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Swamp plants & terrarium plants

Swamp plants, these are plants that are rooted in soil that is very wet or even submerged, but whose flowers and leaves are usually all or partially in the air space and can be seen above the water surface. Thus, marsh plants are usually found on and in lakes and streams, but also on and in garden ponds or other bodies of water that provide them with a wet substrate, but still leave room for flowers and leaves to show to the outside. Among the marsh plants, a rough distinction is made between 4 types  reed plants/ shallow water plants/wet bottom plants and the wet bottom plants. 

Swamp plants, these are plants that are rooted in soil that is very wet or even submerged, but whose flowers and leaves are usually all or partially in the air space and can be seen above the... learn more »
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Swamp plants & terrarium plants

Swamp plants, these are plants that are rooted in soil that is very wet or even submerged, but whose flowers and leaves are usually all or partially in the air space and can be seen above the water surface. Thus, marsh plants are usually found on and in lakes and streams, but also on and in garden ponds or other bodies of water that provide them with a wet substrate, but still leave room for flowers and leaves to show to the outside. Among the marsh plants, a rough distinction is made between 4 types  reed plants/ shallow water plants/wet bottom plants and the wet bottom plants. 

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Important function of terrarium plants

Similar to an aquarium, plants in a terrarium do good for the terrarium animals. It is important that you only put plants in your terrarium that fit the conditions in the terri and can grow and thrive well here. Our terrarium plants are almost ideal for humid terrariums. They absorb pollutants, release oxygen and also serve as a shelter and retreat for the inhabitants of the terrarium. Here you can buy the right plants for the land part of your aquaterrarium, paludarium, wet terrarium, tropical terrarium or rainforest terrarium.

The terrarium plants

Terrarium plants are plants that can grow and thrive very well in a humid terrarium and do well with the conditions that exist there. In addition, these plants should not be poisonous, because it can happen that one or the other inhabitant tampers with the tasty plants. But this should not be a reason to do without the plants. Unfortunately, even today many pet owners are of the opinion, in a wet terrarium or paludarium, aquaterrarium or tropical terrarium there must be no plants, but far from it.

Natural habitat - healthy climate

Basically, it is important to design the wetland terrarium to reflect the natural habitat of the animal in question, if possible. Many crabs, frogs or land hermits come from areas where many plants grow. If plants occur in their natural habitat, plants should also be used in the terrarium.

Plants that occur in the same or a similar form in the natural habitat of the animal should be given preference. Although a terrarium is an artificially created and confined habitat, and it is hardly possible to replicate the natural habitat of terrarium animals one-to-one, plants play an important role here as well.

Indeed, plants can do more than just look nice and create as realistic a home as possible for the animals. Natural green plants are involved in many important processes that we can't always see, but are very important to the inhabitants of the terrarium. For example, the green plants produce oxygen and they contribute to a healthy humidity - in addition to the beautiful appearance, these are two very important factors so that the animals in the aquaterrarium, terrarium, wet terrarium, paludarium, rainforest terrarium or tropical terrarium are doing well and so that a healthy and natural climate can prevail in the glass box.

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