Water temperature is of great importance in the aquarium. Fish, shrimp, snails, crayfish, crabs and other aquatic animals come from different biotopes with different water temperature. Many fish come from the tropics, so they need rather warm water. The beautiful Sulawesi shrimp also come from very warm waters. Temperatures that are too cool can get these aquarium animals into big trouble and lead to disease and even death.
Quite different are the very popular dwarf shrimp widely used in the hobby such as bee shrimp, tiger shrimp and also algae shrimp from the genus Neocaridina. These shrimp originate from temperate to subtropical regions and sometimes from cool mountain streams. They do not tolerate high water temperatures very well, so especially when keeping shrimp you should make sure that the temperature in the aquarium does not climb too high.
Here in the online store you can buy different thermometers for the aquarium. Here you can get precision thermometers made of glass or plastic in different sizes, perfect for nano aquarium as well as for larger aquariums. These thermometers are either attached to the aquarium wall inside with the help of suction cups or hung as Hang On thermometers with a specially for this purpose attached curved end over the top.
Various digital thermometers for the aquarium are also available here in the store. This type of thermometer is attached to the aquarium wall and shows the temperature either on a display or by a color change.