CO2 in the aquarium
The largest source of carbon in natural waters is not only the carbon dioxide in the air, which dissolves in the water via gas exchange at the water surface, but also the CO2 produced by microorganisms or entering the waters with seepage and spring water. In most aquariums, there is clearly too little CO2, which means that the plants do not grow properly and make an unhealthy impression. A CO2 content of approx. 20 mg/l is well sufficient for the supply of most plants and not harmful for the animals. This value can be monitored well with a CO2 continuous test.
The CO2 content of the water should never exceed 30 mg/l if there are animals living in the aquarium in addition to plants. The gas exchange in their gills does not function well if the water contains too much CO2 - the fish or shrimp cannot get rid of the CO2 in its blood and becomes oxygen starved. In the worst case, this can lead to the death of the animals. Therefore, it is only advisable to a limited extent to lower the pH value with the help of CO2, as it is unfortunately still often recommended.
Bio-CO2 for your aquarium
For all those who are not quite sure whether CO2 is really the way to go for their aquarium, Bio-CO2 is the perfect solution. Here, a solution with a high sugar content is fermented by yeast in a plastic bottle, producing CO2. The gas is then introduced into the aquarium through a CO2-tight hose, as with other CO2 fertilization systems, and dissolved in the water through a flipper or diffuser in the complete sets we offer. The design of these addition devices ensures that the CO2 bubbles have the longest possible contact with the water and that as much CO2 as possible can be dissolved.
With self-prepared nutrient solutions, fermentation may be very uneven - at the beginning, much more CO2 is very often released than subsequently. Commercially available refills are stabilized and release the carbon dioxide much more evenly. The temperature of the mixture should not go below 18 to 20 °C, because at cooler temperatures the reaction does not get going and not enough CO2 can be introduced into the aquarium.
Bio-Co2 complete sets are uncomplicated and quick to install.
Depending on the ambient temperature, it takes 12 to 24 hours for the yeasts to work properly and for sufficient CO2 to be produced. The service life of the Bio-CO2 system also depends on the ambient temperature. At room temperature, the rough guide value is about 30 days.