Fine filtration
As the name suggests, these filter materials are specially designed to filter the finest suspended particles from the aquarium water. There is a good selection here - ranging from loose filter wadding to fine filter fleece to fine-pored mats and microfiber filter fleece.
These filter materials are usually packed in the last position of the filter, so that the finest particles are still caught before the water runs through the outlet pipe. However, they are also ideal for rapid filtration. In shrimp aquariums and for fish breeding, finest filter materials are also popular because they are safe for these small animals.
Main filtration
Filter materials for main filtration are those in which especially important beneficial bacteria can settle perfectly. These parts are usually very porous and thus offer a huge filter surface. From simple clay tubes to sintered glass, you are sure to find the right material for your filter.
The mechanical filter performance - i.e. that which captures dirt particles - is of secondary importance here, as much emphasis is placed on biological filtration. These materials are used after the pre-filter and before the fine filter.
Here, too, the designation already reveals what it is all about. These filter materials are specially designed for pre-filtering, which means that the coarsest dirt and plant residues are collected here. From coarse synthetic fibers to plastic bodies and coarse-pored filter mats, you are sure to find the right material for your filter.
These materials are placed right at the beginning of the filter. This effectively prevents the main filter material from clogging too quickly, which would otherwise require it to be cleaned too often, resulting in the loss of valuable beneficial bacteria.
Special filtration
Special filtration is the term used for filter material that can be used to influence the water quality. For example, to lower the pH value with peat pellets or to remove drug residues and pesticides with activated carbon. But also to remove or reduce increased pollutants such as nitrate, phosphate and the like, you will find appropriate products here.
Filter accessories
Furthermore, you will also find special filter accessories such as filter bags and filter modules to perfectly integrate loose material into your filter.
Before use, please be sure to read the item descriptions carefully and adhere to the manufacturer's specifications so that the filter materials can work effectively and correctly! If you are not sure which filter material is suitable for your filter, please do not hesitate to contact us first!