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- Item no: 31952
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All products are in stock with us!14 years of breeding experience
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from over 3,000 reviews "Discover the Bangka snakehead fish (Channa bankanensis), a fascinating species from Asia, native to Borneo, Sumatra, Bangka and Malaysia. This freshwater fish from the genus Channa and the family of snakeheads (Channidae).
The Bangka snakehead fish has an elongated, snake-like body that is somewhat flattened laterally in the posterior body region. Its head is dorsally flattened and covered with large scales above. The mouth is superior and deeply cleft, and the lips are bulging. The basic coloration of its body varies from yellowish reddish brown to dark reddish brown, with the back darker in color than the rest of the body.
Keeping the Bangka snakehead fish requires an aquarium of at least 100 x 40 x 40 cm, and acidic water with a pH of 3.0-4.5 and a total hardness of 1-10° dH. With a suprabranchial organ in the gill chamber, the Bangka snakehead fish is able to breathe atmospheric air, highlighting its adaptation to living in blackwater tributaries and marshes with extremely acidic water.
To maintain the vivid coloration of the Bangka Snakehead Fish, it should be fed live foods such as insects, mealworms, earthworms, small fish, and frozen foods. The sexes are difficult to tell apart, but males have a more massive and broader head and their dorsal fin is higher than that of females.
Our food recommendation: The NatureHolic Main Feed is a professional staple food for all aquarium fish. We supply Hauptfeed in the form of soft granules, which, thanks to its grain size of half a millimeter, can be easily ingested by small to medium-sized fish. The soft consistency resembles the texture of insect larvae in nature and protects the fish mouth from micro-injuries.
Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.
Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.
Wissenschaftlicher Name: | Channa bangkanensis |
Deutscher Name: | Bangka Schlangenkopffisch |
Schwierigkeitsgrad: | für Profis |
Herkunft/Verbreitung: | Borneo, Indonesien, Bangka |
Färbung: | Jugenkleid orange, mit schwarzer Musterung auf der Seite, mit zunehmendem Alter braun bis oliv grün in leichter Marmorierung mit auffälligen und gut sichtbaren Schuppen |
Alterserwartung: | 3-6 Jahre Jahre |
Wasserparameter: | GH 0-10, KH 0-4, pH 3,0-6, Temperatur 24-28 |
Beckengröße: | ab 200 l |
Futter: | Insektenlarven, Insekten, Lebendfutter, Kleine Fische |
Zucht: | Sehr saures Wasser benötigt, Offenbrüter, es kann notwendig sein die Elterntiere nach einer Weile zu entfernen |
Verhalten: | Schwarmfisch im jungen Alter, dann zunehmend aggressiv, bis schließlich Einzelgänger |
Gruppengröße: | Einzelhaltung |
Weiterführende Informationen: | Zehn typische Aquarienfische für Anfänger und Alternativen dazu, Tipps zur Eingewöhnung von Fischen ins Aquarium, Aquarienfische richtig füttern - Billigfutter und was es anrichten kann |
- Item no: 31952
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