Kahmhaut im Aquarium - was ist das, wie werde ich sie los?

Die Kahmhaut im Aquarium ist eine lästige Begleiterscheinung, die in leichten Fällen Schlieren an der Wasseroberfläche bildet und in schweren Fällen einen dicken Film formt, der sogar für einen Sauerstoffmangel im Aquarium verantwortlich sein kann. Wir gehen dem Phänomen auf... Read more »

Warum du fürs Aquarium ein chloridfreies Aufhärtesalz bevorzugen solltest

Wissenschaftliche Studien haben gezeigt, dass eine erhöhte Kochsalzkonzentration für Wasserbewohner problematisch sein kann. Hier erfährst du, warum wir aus gutem Grund bei unseren Aufhärtesalzen auf stark chloridreduzierte Rezepturen setzen. Read more »

Pflanzennährstoffe im Fokus - Kalium

Für schöne, intensive Pflanzenfarben und üppig wachsende, gesunde Pflanzen braucht es neben Licht und CO2 verschiedene Nährstoffe, mit deren Hilfe die Aquarium Pflanzen ihren Stoffwechsel am Laufen halten, Photosynthese betreiben und wachsen können. Hier im Blog schauen wir... Read more »

Why soft water in the aquarium - and what are the options?

The water treatment in the aquarium is no secret for a long time and certainly no witchcraft anymore. Shrimps and fish from soft water no longer have to eke out their lives in unsuitable hard water from the tap, because water treatment for the aquarium is now really a piece of... Read more »

NatureHolic PurZeolite for Aquarium

Zeolite is an excellent ion exchanger and can bind pollutants - even in aquarium water. Therefore, ground zeolite is often used as a natural water conditioner in aquaristics. With PurZeolite from NatureHolic, the dosage and application of zeolite in the aquarium becomes simple... Read more »

NatureHolic PurMontmorillonite for Aquarium

Montmorillonite is an excellent ion exchanger and can bind pollutants - also in aquarium water. Therefore, ground montmorillonite is often used as a natural water conditioner in aquaristics. PurMontmorillonit from NatureHolic makes the dosage and application of montmorillonite... Read more »

The osmotic shock in shrimps

Finally, the jewel is broken in and the new colorful inhabitants may move in. The water test also shows that everything is fine and meets the requirements of the animals. But can they now simply be poured out of the transport bag into the aquarium? We'll take a look at that. Read more »

The most important water values in the aquarium

"What are the water values?" is a question you hear very often in aquaristic forums or Facebook groups. But what is behind the water parameters? Here we list the most important values for the aquarium and explain why they are important. Read more »

Sea almond tree leaves in the aquarium

Sea almond leaves are perfect for shrimp aquariums and fish aquariums - they bring natural tannins and humic substances into the aquarium water, have a germ-inhibiting and antibacterial effect, but they are incidentally also a great permanent food for the shrimp, crabs, crabs... Read more »
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