Soft water
Many shrimp from southern China, including the popular bee shrimp (Caridina logemanni) and tiger shrimp (Caridina mariae) as well as the bumblebee shrimp of the genera Paracaridina and Caridina and the different varieties of Caridina cantonensis such as Aura Blue and Tangerine Tiger, originate from very soft, slightly acidic water. In the biotopes one usually measures a total and a carbonate hardness of zero and a pH value of 5.5 to 6.5. In former times one was of the opinion that the KH in the aquarium must amount to at least a value of three, so that an acid fall can be prevented. With Salty Shrimp's Bee Shrimp Mineral GH+ salt, it is possible to have a near-zero KH in the aquarium, as this salt buffers the pH at a comfortable level of 5.5 to 6.5 for soft water shrimp. This can have a very beneficial effect on shrimp health and reproduction rates.
Hard water
However, shrimp that prefer harder water may also have their difficulties with tap water. Not all values that are relevant for shrimps can be measured with the tests commonly used in aquaristics. In some cases, tap water has an unfavorable composition depending on the region and has, for example, too high nitrate values, which can lead to skinning problems with shrimp. Even for keeping shrimps of the genus Neocaridina, which are considered to be less demanding, it may therefore be advisable to salt osmosis water, deionized water or rainwater filtered through activated carbon with the appropriate mineral salt GH/KH+ from Salty Shrimp.
For fish, with the AquariumMineral GH/KH+, a corresponding salt has also been developed.
Minerals for Sulawesi shrimp
Shrimps from the Old Lakes on Sulawesi, such as the freshwater cardinal shrimp Caridina dennerli or the gold spot shrimp Caridina spinata, cannot be kept in tap water in 99% of the cases and certainly cannot be propagated. For them, Salty Shrimp's mineral salts, Sulawesi Mineral 7.5 and 8.5, specially formulated after analysis of the water from the Malili Sea System, have proved absolutely effective.
Water treatment
White Mineral Powder and Crusta Mineral add valuable trace elements and minerals, as do Nano Crusta from JBL and Bee Balls from Borneo Wild. Black Powder SE/Fulvin from Salty Shrimp adds humic substances to the water, which bind pollutants, buffer the pH value and protect the mucous membranes of the shrimp and fish.
The Easy Filter Powder from Salty Shrimp also serves to bind pollutants. This makes it very easy to create a liquid filter medium that removes pollutants and stores plant nutrients.