Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)
Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)
Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)
Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)
  • small livebearer
  • Male colorful
  • fits to Neocaridina
  • for harder water
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Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)

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Product information
Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)
Endlers are very beautiful, smaller remaining relatives of the well-known guppy, which are characterized by their small size, beautiful colors and the fact that they do not go to adult and semi-adult shrimp. They reproduce very well and are easy to breed. - Garnelio
Origin: South America
Difficulty: 1 - Simple
with dwarf crabs?: Yes
with snails/shells?: Yes
Planting possible?: Yes
Visual effect: Especially colorful
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
Final size: 1-4 cm
with shrimps?: with dwarf shrimp, offspring may be eaten
Fish group: Tooth carp
Water values: Hard water
Pelvic region: Top
Breeding: simply
Aquarium size: 54 l (approx. 60cm)
Temperature: 25-30 °C

Poecilia wingei, the Endler Guppy from South America, is a separate species and was first described in 2005. Although it is so closely related to the well-known and popular Guppy that the animals can cross, there are some distinct differences, especially in size, color and behavior towards offspring.

The coloration of the males, which grow to only 2 cm long, is spectacular. The orange-red, blue, green and black color patterns are really intense and literally shine. The females grow much larger at about 3.5-4 cm and are solid gray with a black so-called pregnancy spot on the anus. The courtship behavior of the males is worth seeing.

As a viviparous toothcarp, Endlers also give birth to live young, but the adults do not pursue the offspring to the same extent as normal aquarium guppies. Endler therefore reproduce slower, but there are also many more animals per litter. Every 4-6 weeks a new litter of 10-25 live baby fish is born. The young fish can be left in the parent tank. There are reasons why the Guppy is also called million fish - for emergency one should separate the sexes, whereby the females can still give birth to offspring for quite a while, because they store the sperm of the males.

The more surface-oriented Endler Guppies live in loose groups, their schooling behavior is not very pronounced. They are found in the wild in medium to hard water and can even tolerate light brackish water. A temperature of 22-28 °C is perfect for them, a heater is not absolutely necessary.

The socialization with shrimps works well, even if small juveniles are eaten from time to time, if there is enough moss in the tank enough crawlers will get through. Already due to the water values we recommend the Endler Guppy for the keeping with Neocaridina, which reproduce anyway very well.

Endler Guppies like to hang out under the water surface and eat the scum that forms here, they also like to pick at fine algae layers. Soft vegetables like tomatoes or pumpkin are eaten with pleasure (Attention, do not overdose!), but they also gratefully accept scalded nettle or spinach powder . Furthermore, Endler Guppies will happily eat flake food for omnivorous aquarium fish and they will also happily take frozen or live food.

Our food recommendation: The fragrant NatureHolic Guppyfeed is tailored to the needs of guppies and other viviparous fish in the aquarium. In addition to high-quality animal ingredients, it also contains vegetable components that benefit guppies & co. The soft granules protect the sensitive mouth of the viviparous from injuries caused by hard food grains and provide the fish with a natural feeding experience.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Minimum order quantity: 10 pieces

Dispensing size: 2cm

Scientific name: Poecilia wingei
German name: Endler's guppy, Endler's guppy
Difficulty level: for beginners
Origin/Distribution: South America
Coloration: Males with bright orange, blue, green and black spots, females solid gray with black pregnancy spot
Age expectancy: approx. 5 years
Water parameters: GH 10 to 25, KH 5-20, pH 7 to 8.5, temperature 22 to 28 °C
Tank size: 54 l and up
Food: Omnivorous, needs additional very fine frozen food or live food, also likes soft vegetables or green food
Breeding: very easy
Behavior: very peaceful
Group size: at least 10
Additional information: Ten typical aquarium fish for beginners and alternatives to them, Tips for acclimating fish to the aquarium, Feeding aquarium fish properly - cheap food and what it can do
  • 6148

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Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)

Endler Guppy - Poecilia wingei - (Nano fish - female & male)

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Question: "Hallo ?? Kann ich diese im kleinen Gartenteich halten? Vg Antonia "

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)



bei den Tieren handelt es sich um tropische Tiere, diese sind nichts für den Gartenteich

Question: "Hallo! Handelt es sich bei der Mindestabnahmemenge von "5" um 10 Tiere?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Tobias, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Bestellst du 5 Tiere, so erhältst du 5 Tiere. 

Question: "Hallo, wenn ich 5 Stück nehme, wie ist die Aufteilung (Anzahl) zwischen männlich und weiblich? "

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Patricia, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Wir fangen die Tiere willkürlich, sie werden zusammen gehalten. 

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