Hiding places made of ceramic are durable, stable and very robust. For shrimps and especially for dwarf crayfish and crabs, a hiding place is not just a luxury, but essential for survival. Especially after molting, crustaceans are still soft and need a protected place where they can let their shell harden in peace. The rather nocturnal dwarf crabs and shrimps are generally grateful for hiding places where they can also take cover from their conspecifics. Tip: If you place the tubes so that you can see into them from the front glass of the aquarium, you will be able to see your dwarf crayfish or crabs even when they are actually hiding.
The slightly uneven surface of ceramic hiding places for the aquarium offers the important filter bacteria in the biofilms a lot of surface on which they can settle. Here they break down pollutants in the water, which can be caused by the digestion of proteins. Thus, ceramic decorative elements indirectly contribute to good water quality in the shrimp aquarium, which is extremely important for the little crawlers.
Here you can buy hiding places such as the Crusta Tubes from Dennerle and star-shaped or cube-shaped Japanshelter, but also many other creatively shaped hiding places for shrimps and dwarf crayfish made of fired clay and slate and lovingly handcrafted in Germany.
The natural colors of the ceramic and slate, as well as the lovingly hand-embossed patterns on the outside of many of the useful decorative items, allow the hiding places to blend visually virtually seamlessly with the natural background in the aquarium. Also ideally suited for breeding aquariums.