Bearfish - relationship and habitats in nature
Like many other aquarium fishes, the colorful, intensely brightly colored bearblings belong to the large family of carp fishes. Many bearblings, more rarely also called rasboras, remain small and are therefore often addressed as nano fish, especially among the dwarf bearblings there are tiny representatives. These ornamental fish for the aquarium are group fish that interact socially and seek the safety of their school, especially in stressful situations. In the wild, danios are mainly found in flowing and stagnant waters of freshwater. The danios are fish that live mainly in South Asia and Southeast Asia, but also sporadically in Africa. They are usually found in suitably soft, humic-rich water, but some species are also found in medium-hard to hard water.
Beardies in the aquarium
a group size from about 10 fish of one species is recommended for successful aquarium keeping for danios, however, especially really large schools of the lively little ornamental fish offer an absolutely spectacular sight in a sufficiently large aquarium. Aquariums with an edge length of 60 cm or more are also recommended for the particularly small representatives. If necessary, the number of fish can be increased here if the aquarium appears too empty. The larger representatives of the danios may fall victim to young shrimps, the small species like Boraras can be socialized without hesitation even with bee shrimps, because their mouths are simply much too small to become dangerous even to small young shrimps.
The aquarium for danios should offer some swimming space despite the smallness of the fish, but it may be densely weedy in places.
Feeding of the danios
Most Beardies and Dwarf Beardies are omnivores, but have an emphasis on animal foods. Flake food or granulated food should be chosen in any case according to the size of the fish. The appropriate NatureHolic foods for omnivorous fish have a particularly sophisticated, modern formula and contain top quality ingredients that can promote the vitality of aquarium fish. It is best to order the appropriate food at the same time! Also the live food that can be bought in our Garnelio online store enriches the diet of these ornamental fish, which are extremely popular in the aquarium hobby, enormously. Also frozen food of suitable size is eaten very gladly.
Breeding of the Bearded Fritillaries
basically, the colorful Bearded Fritillaries and Dwarf Bearded Fritillaries - with a few exceptions - are not quite as easy to breed as, for example, most viviparous toothcarps. Many species need not only very soft, clean and rather acidic water with a significant humic content for successful reproduction, but also rich live food to even get into spawning mood. The adult danios are spawn predators, therefore breeding should not be attempted in the community aquarium, but in a separate breeding tank. The initially very small fish larvae are fed with infusoria or finest dust food and get micro worms and Artemia nauplii only when they can handle them.
the danios have been known in aquaristics for a very long time and are also very popular because they are peaceful, colorful and fun to look at. There is no uncontrolled reproduction in the aquarium, and some of the fish are really very lively and eager to swim. Especially the small dwarf danios can be ideally socialized with soft water shrimps like bee shrimps etc. and do not even chase small juvenile shrimps. Especially Asian tanks can not do without danios, but they also fit into other freshwater community aquariums, provided that the rest of the stock is peaceful and not too boisterous and the water values fit the needs of the danios. Also a specific attitude in the kind tank is naturally possible. These beautiful schooling fish are really great, highly recommended ornamental fish, which are also well suited for beginners. Here in the Garnelio Online Shop you can buy a large selection of the colorful Beardtails and Dwarf Beardtails for your aquarium.