Especially if you want to buy more than just 10 or 20 shrimp of one color variant, variety or species from the renowned breeder Skyfish from Taiwan at a low price, the possibility of a co-import is relatively stress-free for the animals and very convenient for you. Your shrimps will be carefully selected by the breeder in Taiwan, professionally packed and included in our transports to Germany.
The Neocaridina and Caridina dwarf shrimps co-imported for you will of course be taken care of by us in our store directly after arrival. Part of Garnelio's co-import service is that we receive the shrimps professionally and inspect them first . We also change the water in the transport bags, so that the high quality, beautifully marked Neocaridina and Caridina from Skyfish get high quality, fresh water after the long journey. The shrimps are not caught out of the bag or even transferred to an aquarium and then packed again - the way we handle it, the dwarf shrimps have less stress.
After the water change we seal the bags with the Caridina or Neocaridina shrimps again professionally and then ship the shrimps directly to you! Our import interval is every 4 weeks - we will gladly inform you about the date of the next shrimp import upon request. Please contact us!