Garnelio's invertebrate blog

Welcome here to Garnelio's invertebrate blog. We are not just another shrimp blog, even though this is of course one of our main focuses. We deal with all kinds of invertebrates in freshwater aquariums and aquaterrariums: shrimps, snails, crayfish, crabs and mussels. Here you will find every week a new interesting article from the world of freshwater invertebrates in particular and from aquaristics in general, also from aquascaping.

Garnelio's invertebrate blog Welcome here to Garnelio's invertebrate blog. We are not just another shrimp blog, even though this is of course one of our main focuses. We deal with all kinds of... learn more »
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Garnelio's invertebrate blog

Welcome here to Garnelio's invertebrate blog. We are not just another shrimp blog, even though this is of course one of our main focuses. We deal with all kinds of invertebrates in freshwater aquariums and aquaterrariums: shrimps, snails, crayfish, crabs and mussels. Here you will find every week a new interesting article from the world of freshwater invertebrates in particular and from aquaristics in general, also from aquascaping.

Aquarium Pflanzen und Sauerstoff

Sauerstoff ist im Aquarium ein Leben spendendes Element, ohne das weder Tiere noch Pflanzen überleben könnten. Wie kommt Sauerstoff ins Aquarium Wasser, und was ist bei der Sauerstoff Versorgung im Aquarium zu beachten? Was passiert mit dem Sauerstoff in besonders dicht... Read more »

What protein sources do shrimp, crabs and prawns tap into in nature?

Shrimp, crabs and shrimps need protein to grow and reproduce, but too much can lead to problems with molting. Which food ingredients are particularly suitable for the invertebrate crabs in the aquarium, and how can you feed to avoid molting problems as much as possible? Read more »

Buy shrimp on the Internet

Buying shrimp on the Internet is a little tricky, but often you simply have no other choice - not every shrimp is available everywhere in the stationary trade, and there are actually supposed to be areas where no one grows the shrimp you want so much. So often the only option... Read more »

Our top 6 algae eaters in the aquarium

Algae are annoying and troublesome, and you always read about algae eaters ... what is the truth about the efficiency of these animals, are they really as uncomplicated as you always hear? We have taken a closer look at six recommended algae eaters for you. Read more »

Blog about shrimp, snails, crayfish

Keeping and breeding shrimp is not particularly difficult if you keep a few things in mind. However, invertebrate aquarium keeping is a little different from conventional ornamental fish keeping. The colorful shrimps of the genus Neocaridina are a little less demanding than for example the red-white or black-white bee shrimps (Caridina logemanni) or the striped tiger shrimps (Caridina mariae). But even the latter can be kept well, not only in the nanoaquarium, if you inform yourself and pay attention to some things. Dwarf crayfish are cute aquarium inhabitants and fascinate by their character. But also large crayfish are real eye-catchers in larger aquariums with their variety of colors and interesting behavior. Many crab species are beautiful inhabitants for wet terrariums, paludariums or aquaterrariums, but there are also aquatic crabs that feel comfortable in large aquariums with perching facilities. Snails are considered a nuisance by many old-school aquarists, but it has now been found that they are actually very useful helpers and that problems with too many snails can be traced back to deeper causes. Decorative colorful snails are in any case very fascinating aquarium inhabitants in their own way, as are mussels. These require special care, depending on the species. In the world of invertebrates, you can discover so much that otherwise escapes you. Well-made invertebrate aquariums are small, perfect biotopes in themselves - pure nature in your living room!


Our blog provides the answers to your question!

But how do I keep my shrimp in an animal-friendly way? How does a Red Fire shrimp differ from a bee shrimp? What do I need to do to make dwarf crayfish feel comfortable in the aquarium? Can I socialize crayfish of the genera Cambarellus, Cherax or Procambarus with fish or other invertebrates? How do I set up an aquaterrarium so that crabs have a nice life in it? Can I keep snails together with my White Pearl shrimp? What uninvited guests are there in the aquarium, and do I need to do something about them? What are planaria, and why are so many aquarists with invertebrates so afraid of them?
We'll get to the bottom of all these questions and more here.

Invertebrate aquarium setup ?

Here you will not only get tips on how to keep shrimps, snails, mussels, crayfish and crabs in a species-appropriate manner, but also information and practical tips on setting up aquariums and aquaterrariums for invertebrates, on the selection of various decoration materials, the choice of suitable aquatic and marsh plants, and an overview of the necessary technology and accessories. Aquascaping is also a topic for us, as well as general basics of aquaristics - the principles of water chemistry, for example, apply to shrimp aquariums just as they do to fish.

Stay tuned and check back often, it's worth it!

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