Matching sets of freshwater dwarf shrimp of one species - colorful jewels for the aquarium

Dwarf shrimp are group animals and do not feel comfortable alone. They need the security that a number of conspecifics gives them. Here you get carefully assembled sets of freshwater dwarf shrimp, which all belong to one species and therefore have the same demands on the aquarium, on the water values and on the shrimp food. So you get a suitable initial stock for your nano aquarium and also for your breeding tank or your larger aquarium.

Dwarf shrimp are group animals and do not feel comfortable alone. They need the security that a number of conspecifics gives them. Here you get carefully assembled sets of freshwater dwarf shrimp,... learn more »
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Matching sets of freshwater dwarf shrimp of one species - colorful jewels for the aquarium

Dwarf shrimp are group animals and do not feel comfortable alone. They need the security that a number of conspecifics gives them. Here you get carefully assembled sets of freshwater dwarf shrimp, which all belong to one species and therefore have the same demands on the aquarium, on the water values and on the shrimp food. So you get a suitable initial stock for your nano aquarium and also for your breeding tank or your larger aquarium.

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Iced Blue Mix - Caridina sp
Iced Blue Mix - Caridina sp
from 4,49* Old price: 8.99€*
15 pcs Red Cherry shrimp + 2x Nano Bungalow
15 pcs Red Cherry shrimp + 2x Nano Bungalow
19,99* Old price: 34.99€*
(1.33€ * / 1 Stück)
15 pcs Orange Fire Shrimp + 12x Sea Almond Tree Leaves S
15 pcs Orange Fire Shrimp + 12x Sea Almond Tree Leaves S
49,99* Old price: 63.99€*
(3.33€ * / 1 Stück)
10x Neo Rainbow Mix - Neocardina davidi
10x Neo Rainbow Mix - Neocardina davidi
29,99* Old price: 36.99€*
20x Neo Rainbow Mix + 12x seaweed leaves
20x Neo Rainbow Mix + 12x seaweed leaves
59,99* Old price: 79.99€*
Blue Tiger Stripe Mix - Caridina mariae
Blue Tiger Stripe Mix - Caridina mariae
from 5,49* Old price: 7.99€*
Fire & Ice - Caridina Garnelen Set
Fire & Ice - Caridina Garnelen Set
from 49,99* Old price: 63.99€*
Italy shrimp mix
Italy shrimp mix
from 24,99* Old price: 27.99€*
(4.17€ * / 1 Stück)
Rainbow shrimp mix - Neocaridina davidi - 24pcs.
Rainbow shrimp mix - Neocaridina davidi - 24pcs.
79,99* Old price: 89.00€*
(3.33€ * / 1 Stück)
German shrimp mix - Neocaridina davidi - 24st.
German shrimp mix - Neocaridina davidi - 24st.
65,99* Old price: 100.24€*
(2.75€ * / 1 Stück)
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Our carefully assembled sets of freshwater shrimp offer your little crawlers the security of the group from day one in your freshwater aquarium.

The beautifully and intensely colored Pinto Shrimp, Blue Shadow Mosura, Pinto Mixer and others are all cultivated forms of Caridina logemanni and crosses of different Caridina species. They require soft water and are more suitable for advanced keepers and breeders.

The colorful breeding forms of Neocaridina davidi like the red Red Sakura, the yellow Yellow Fire, the blue Blue Jelly, the orange Orange Sakura, the black Black Sakura we have put together to the color matching Rainbow Mix, Germany Shrimp Mix and Fire Shrimp Mix Sets. Neocaridina davidi, the algae shrimp or backstroke shrimp, is an exceptionally robust and insensitive species, it is also wonderfully suitable for beginners. They do not only fit into a species tank, but also into a community aqu arium with peaceful fish like for example various bearblings or carping fish.

Even in a nano aquarium with a capacity of 20 liters or more, such as a Cube Aquarium, a Scapers' Tank or an AquaArt Aquarium, dwarf shrimp can be kept very well. In case of unsuitable tap water, there are salts for hardening, which are specially tailored to all soft water shrimps or all Neocaridina species from somewhat harder water.

Please note that with the offspring of the Neocaridina Mix Sets different colors can fall, including now and then also the wild form, which looks rather transparent to brownish.

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