Die beliebtesten Aquarienfische

Hier stellen wir dir die beliebtesten Gruppen von bunten und relativ einfach zu haltenden Aquarienfischen vor, die sich für ein Gesellschaftsaquarium oder ein Artaquarium eignen und mit denen du wie viele andere Aquarianer auch sehr viel Freude haben kannst.
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Fish in the aquarium

The subject of "fish in the aquarium" is incredibly exciting and extensive - here we give you a brief overview of the fascinating hobby of aquaristics and would like to whet your appetite for more! Read more »

Keeping and breeding killifish in the aquarium

The great colourful killifishes, as egg-laying toothcarps are also called, are in their majority really wonderfully colourful. They have a reputation for being difficult to breed - but we will show you here that this is not entirely true and that some species are even suitable... Read more »
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