Grass carp albino - Ctenopharyngodon idella
  • Grows very fast
  • Pair keeping recommended
  • Eats plants
  • Super for large ponds
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Grass carp albino - Ctenopharyngodon idella

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  • 6269

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Grass carp albino - Ctenopharyngodon idella
The white amur is a very effective herbivore. The albino form is in no way inferior to the wild form! This fish is suitable only for the really large ponds. Grass carp can even be fed with cut grass, but they also love to eat all kinds of aquatic plants and filamentous algae - the softer the better. They can eat quite a bit in the process. - Garnelio

The albino grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella is the pure white, red-eyed form of the large pond fish from China. It is also known as the albino form of the White Amur, albino Chinese carp or albino grass fish. The slightly underslung, blunt and bulging mouth also identifies the albino form of the White Amur as a herbivore and algae e ater.

The wild form and also the albino form have been commercially exploited for many hundreds of years, first in their native Asia, and later in other regions. Grass carp were introduced into cultivated waters in our country in the 1960s to combat algae and overgrowing aquatic plant populations. Albino Chinese carp require rather calm and deep water areas with higher water temperatures above 20 °C.

The elongated Albino Grass Carp can grow to a size of 120 to 150 cm and reach a weight of up to 50 kg. A pair of albino grass carp therefore needs a pond that holds at least 10,000 liters. 1000 liters are required additionally for each additional albino grass carp. We recommend keeping them in pairs. Of course, the albino form can also be socialized with the wild form of the grass carp. The pond for albino grass carp must be at least 2 meters deep.

The albino grass carp lives up to its name. The herbivore feeds on filamentous algae, pond plants and can even be seen eating grass from the pond edge when food is scarce. A pond with albino grass carp will need to be stocked with new plants frequently. A vegetable pond fish food or even plain grass clippings can also be used to feed the albino grass fish. Nevertheless, the plants in the fish pond are always nibbled at least. Albino grass carps particularly like hornwort, duckweed, filamentous algae, net algae, cattails, sedges, waterweed and even reeds. Depending on the water temperature, albino grass carp eat as much food as they weigh themselves every day in the summer months , and eat much less in winter and cold temperatures.

Albino Grass Carp can live up to 35 years, 5-11 years is the norm. The Albino White Amur can grow up to 20 cm in its first year depending on the space available and the food given. A good 10 cm is added in each subsequent year.

Albino grass carp prefer warmer water and only get into spawning mood when water temperatures are permanently above 20 °C. Mass reproduction is therefore rather impossible. Young Albino Grass Carp feed on smaller invertebrates such as worms, crustaceans and insect larvae before switching to a purely vegetable diet after a while. Smaller White Amur like to hang out in the plants along the shore of the pond.

The Albino Grass Carp likes it warm: water temperatures between 21 and 27° C are ideal, but even 30° C are no problem. Even a pond in a full sun location is therefore unproblematic, as long as the oxygen supply is ensured. A pond with Albino Grass Carp should be well aerated with the help of a water feature, an oxydator for garden ponds or an aerator

Albino Grass Carp can overwinter in our latitudes without any problems in the pond, but then they also need a reliable oxygen supply and an at least partially always open water surface, which you can achieve with an ice freezer or a pond thermostat.

Minimum order quantity: 2 animals
Size: 7-10 cm or 10-12 cm

Scientific name Ctenopharyngodon idella
German Name: Albino grass carp, white Amur, albino Chinese carp, albino grass fish
Difficulty level: for beginners
Origin/Distribution: Asia
Coloration: white, with red eyes
Age expectancy 5-35 years
Pond size: at least 10,000 liters for 2 fish, for each additional albino grass carp another 1000 liters
Food soft-leaved aquatic plants, algae, growth, algae-rich pond fish food
Breeding difficult in the pond
Behavior diurnal
Group size from two fish
  • 6269

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Grass carp albino - Ctenopharyngodon idella

Grass carp albino - Ctenopharyngodon idella

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Question: "Hallo, wie groß sibd die Albino Graskarpfen. Mfg"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Du erhältst recht junge Tiere, an denen du noch lange Freude hast, da aber auch diese sich in ihrer Größe unterscheiden, können wir dir keine exakte Zentimeterangabe geben. Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis!

Liebe Grüße, Kevin

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