Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.
Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.
Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.
  • smallest land hermit crab
  • for small terrariums
  • peaceful and social crayfish
  • needs alternating houses
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Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.

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Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.
The small land hermit crab is just 3 centimeters in size and is therefore well suited for a small terrarium from 40 centimeters edge length. The bright little pinchers are almost the whole day on the move, which one likes to watch. Especially for allergic children, these crawlers are particularly well suited. - Garnelio
Water values: soft to hard
Difficulty: for beginners
Propagation: possible in fresh water
Coloring: orange
Origin: Abroad offspring

One of the most common land hermit crabs is the Coenobita sp., which only reaches a final size of about 3 centimeters. This makes it ideal for smaller terrariums. Because land hermit crabs have a very soft hind body, they permanently inhabit snail shells with which they preserve their abdomen. Since the animals change the houses from time to time, they should always have some available in the terrarium. It is important that these changing houses, which you can also find in our store, are intact, so that the gills of the small pinchers do not dry out. In addition, there should always be more houses than the number of crayfish, so that the animals do not fight over them.

Land hermit crabs are separately sexual, but this cannot really be distinguished from the outside. Females in particular have a remnant of webbed legs on the left rear side of the body, males lack these. These can be discovered when the crayfish moves from one to the other. Since it holds on to the snail shell with its hind legs, it should not be pulled out by force or held overhead. Land hermit crabs have already been bred in the hobby. The females of the land hermit crab carry a large number of very small eggs on their abdomen inside the snail shell and release larvae, preferably in a vessel containing seawater. These larvae must be transferred to a separate seawater rearing vessel. The larvae are reared in much the same way as those of the Amano shrimp.

The Coenobita sp. is very peaceful and sociable and should therefore not be kept alone in the terrarium. With three to five other mates it feels most comfortable. A terrarium or aquarium converted to a terrarium with an edge length of 40 centimeters or more is well suited for him. As substrate a peat-sand mixture is suitable, or also Kokoshumus, as we have it in our store. From time to time the crayfish dig, so the substrate should be high and moist enough so that the animals can burrow. A bowl with fresh and salt water should always be present in the land hermit terrarium. These should also only be high enough to prevent even the smallest crayfish from completely submerging. You can accommodate them with exit aids. Humidity should be 70-85% and ensured by means of humidifier or nebulizer.

The terrarium can be planted, but it can happen that the crayfish destroy or eat them while crawling and digging, therefore new plants should be pre-cultivated before they are put into the terrarium. Also provide climbing opportunities with tubes, roots and thicker branches.

The omnivorous land hermit crabs feed mainly on vegetable food like vegetables, but also fruit. Here it is essential to pay attention to unsprayed goods. They also need a good source of calcium, which can be provided with cuttlebone or crushed eggshells. The crayfish also like to eat raw fish or frozen food. However, food remains should always be removed from the terrarium promptly, so that no rot forms or the animals get sick. White is opods and springtails have proven themselves as cleaning troops in the terrarium.

Our recommendation: Use NatureHolic InVitros for planting. These are free of snails, planaria and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid when keeping invertebrates. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your invertebrates. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Scientific name: Coenobita sp.
German name: Smallest land hermit crab
Origin/ Distribution: Indo-Pacific
Difficulty level: for informed beginners and advanced fishers
Coloration: gray-brown
Age expectancy: unknown
Terrarium size: 40 centimeters or more edge length for a group of 3-5 animals, two water parts (freshwater and seawater) in shallow bowls with exit aid
Food: brown autumn leaves, frozen food, freeze-dried insects and crustaceans, fish meat, vegetables, green food, fruit
Propagation: Land hermits have already been bred in the hobby, complicated. Females release larvae that must be reared separately in a marine tank
Behavior: very peaceful, very social group animal
Socialization: with other land hermit crabs
Additional information Invertebrates on and near the beach in Khao Lak, Foliage for the aquarium + foliage list, Successfully maintaining mosses in the aquarium and terrarium
  • 10309

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Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.

Land hermit crab - Coenobita spec.

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Question: "Wo kann ich Meerwasser kaufen, und fressen die Krebse auch lebende Insekten?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Gabriella, vielen Dank fuer deine Frage! Meerwasser kaufen ist oft schwierig und umstaendlich. Kauf lieber eine Osmoseanlage, Salz zum Anmischen von Meerwasser und stell dein Meerwasser selbst her. Kleine Mengen Meerwasser kannst du oft in Aquariengeschaeften mit Meerwasserabteilungen kaufen. 

Question: "Welche Temperatur sollte ungefähr im Terrarium herrschen?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Benedikt, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Wir empfehlen ein Minimum von 25 Grad. 26-28 Grad sind optimal. 

Question: "Warum bekommt man niergendswo einen land Einsiedlerkrebs gekauft? "

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Robin, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Die Krebse sind in Deutschland noch nicht so richtig im Hobby angekommen und werden daher nicht ganz so oft importiert. Wir machen das daher selbst. Damit du Bescheid kriegst wann immer wir das nächste Mal die Tiere erhalten kannst du oben deine Mail eintragen.

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