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Co2 fertilization in the aquarium

aquarium_with_co2Hey friends today is about what it has to do with the Co2 fertilization.

The fertilization of the plants with Co2 provides besides a good plant growth also for a pleasant climate in the aquarium and is therefore important not only for beautiful appearance but also for the fish.

Since plants always regulate their growth according to the least available substances, it is always important to provide all growth-promoting substances in balanced quantities. For example, if there is a lack of Co2, the plants will stop growing and not process the added fertilizer. This is then available to the rather unloved algae. Therefore, a lushly planted aquarium is not possible without Co2.

For this reason, there are various professional CO2 systems on the market and many do-it-yourself instructions in forums to supply aquariums with Co2.

There are basically two types of Co2 systems. One works biologically by converting sugars into alcohol and Co2 with the help of yeast bacteria. The alcohol remains in the water and does not enter the aquarium. The Co2 is outgassed and is led into your aquarium with the help of hoses. The disadvantage of these systems is that they are not very well controlled, because there are many different influences that affect the Co2 production. One is the temperature, if it is very high a lot of Co2 will be produced very fast. However, if the temperature is too low, very little or no Co2 is produced. Therefore, some systems that can be bought in stores include polystyrene holders with which you can stick the Co2 depot to the glass of your aquarium, thus ensuring that the temperature is kept fairly constant. We recommend this system to all those who want to help your plants a little on the jump but do not want to reach too deep into your wallet.

All those who choose such a system should remember that it is only a very small basic supply, so do not expect miracles.

Those who choose a compressed gas system can choose between a disposable and a reusable system. With disposable systems, the used cylinders are disposed of as soon as they are empty. Disposable systems are available with cartridges of 80 - 500 grams of Co2. How long a bottle lasts depends on how big your aquarium is, how many plants you have and how much you dose the Co2. Therefore it is always recommended to control the Co2 value in your tank. On the one hand it saves Co2 and on the other hand it can cause problems with overdosing. After all Co2 is also able to kill. However, this is only the case with very strong overdosing.

Who decides for a pressurized gas system does not need to fear that his plants are undersupplied because there is always enough Co2 available. Users of disposable systems we recommend to always have a spare bottle in the house to be able to quickly provide for Co2 supply in case of an empty bottle. Users of reusable systems should either know where to find a filling station in their area or purchase a spare bottle.

When installing a reusable system, follow the instructions. However, adjustment sometimes requires a little dexterity. A small movement on the regulator has effects that aquarium_sakuraare not always immediately visible due to the length of the hose. Therefore, the correct adjustment is a question of time and you should take this time. From long experience we advise to plan two hours, that does not mean that you will need so long but better to plan more time than you need before you get into stress.

If you want to have it a little easier you should get a bubble counter. This is attached close to the bottle and lets you see more quickly what effect the change has on the valve. It serves as a "small aquarium" especially practical for large aquariums that are very overgrown and the diffuser is not easy to see.

Whichever variant you choose, make the best of it.

Author: Jan Straub

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  • Bio CO2 Anlage Fluval Edge 2

    Super interessant der Eintra.

    Ich habe mir aus nur 3 Bauteilen und mit Hilfe einer Heißklebe Pistole selber eine Passende CO2 Anlage für mein Fluval Edge 2 gegebastelt.

    Man benötigt :

    -Eine Oliven Öl Flasche Eckig
    70 Cm Aquarien Schlauch 1,5 cm Durchmesser
    - Haushaltsschwamm

    Der Aquarien Schlauch wird in die Öffnung des Kunststoff Dosierdeckels geschoben so, dass er unten einen Cm herausragt, nun wird er mit der Heißklebe Pistole mit dem Deckel verklebt. Vorsicht ist dabei geboten, da man den Deckel nicht mit der Flasche verkleben sollte, der Trick ist ja, das man diesen Plastik Verschluss abnehmen kann, um die Hefe Zucker und Wasser in die Flasche zu füllen und später wieder luftdicht verschließt damit das CO2 auch wirklich nur durch den Schlauch Austritt.

    Im nächsten Schritt schneidet man von dem Spühlschwamm einen langen streifen ab und stopft in auf der flaschenseite in den Schlauch, so daß noch ein fitzel hinaus guckt an dem man den schwamm zum reinigen raus ziehen kann.

    Der schwamm soll etwaigen Schaum auffangen der in der Flasche aufsteigen kann, wenn die Hefe Zucker Wasser Mischung zu warm wir. Hefe möchte man nicht im Aquarium.

    Die Anlage ist nun Fertig zum BeBefüllen, dazu mischt man etwa einen Telöffel Hefe aus dem tütchen mit 3-4 Telöffel Zucker oder Honig und verrührt das ganze mit 50 ml Handwarmen Wasser (mehr nicht, die Hefe soll ja nicht in der 750ml Flasche bis nach ganz oben steigen. Der Schwamm kann zwar was Aufnehmen aber nicht alles!)

    Durch die Eckige Form der Flasche und der Höhe passt nun unsere Anlage super in den wartunsschacht des Edge 2 unter den Rucksackfilter, den Schlauch kann man super mit Kabelbindern an dem Ansaugrohr des Filters befestigen, so, dass es nicht unschön im Aq hängt. Das Gemisch wird konstant auf einer Temperatur gehalten, da es durch den Schacht geschützt ist. Nun Blubbert es langsam vor sich hin. Es sollten nicht mehr wie ca 10 Bläschen in der Minute aufsteigen damit man das AQ nicht übersäuert. Ist es doch mal mehr einfach dem Schlauch etwas hoch ziehen, damit die Bläschen weniger lange im Wasser verbleiben und somit weniger CO2 gelöst wird!

    Ich hoffe ich konnte wem Helfen

    Mfg Sebastian

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