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Technique in shrimp aquarium - filter

Technology in the shrimp aquarium - the filter

The filter plays an important role in the shrimp aquarium. On the one hand it mechanically removes suspended matter from the water, on the other hand it serves as a settlement area for bacteria, which biologically clean the water from pollutants. In the aquarium, organic waste substances are produced - by food remains, animal excrements, plant remains, ... These substances are converted by bacteria over several stages into substances that are more or less harmless for the animals and even useful for the plants.

The filter in the shrimp aquarium must run day and night if it is to clean the water not only mechanically. The filter bacteria need a lot of oxygen and die if they are not circulated. When the filter is tight, i.e. almost no water gets through, you have to clean it. Filter mats or fleeces can be washed out with clear running water or in a bucket of aquarium water. Not hot, and not too thoroughly either, so that most of the bacteria are preserved. Do not use soap or similar cleaning additives!.

There are many different types of filters for shrimp aquariums. Here I would like to introduce the most common ones.

Internal filter in shrimp aquarium

Internal filters are often included in aquarium sets. Unfortunately, some of them are not suitable for shrimp, because they are driven by a wheel, which is often not specially protected. Shrimp that get into the filter (and they always do) are literally chopped up by this filter wheel. Internal filters can be defused by a nylon stocking or something comparable, which is pulled over the slots and fastened well. However, this is at the expense of the service life, and especially the tiny young shrimps will always find a way in. On the market there are special internal filters for shrimp or nano aquariums, these are designed differently and therefore safe.

External filters in shrimp aquariums

External filters are recommended for large aquariums and aquascapes. Here, only the filter inlet and outlet are in the tank, the actual filter is outside - so, for example, the appearance of an elaborate layout is not disturbed. The inlet can easily be made shrimp-proof by attaching a piece of fine filter sponge (or from a sponge filter) to the intake strainer. This filter sponge needs to be squeezed out frequently to keep the external filter working well.

Backpack filter in shrimp aquarium

Backpack filters are hung on the aquarium glass. They work similarly to an external filter. For small and medium sized aquariums.

Sponge filter/airlift in shrimp aquarium

Sponge filters/air lifters consist of a (bent) tube, a filter sponge, an air hose and an air pump placed outside the aquarium. Very suitable for shrimp aquariums, because the drive by air can not harm the animals. Unfortunately, many air pumps are quite noisy, so an air lifter is usually not suitable for bedrooms.

Hamburger Mat Filter in the shrimp aquarium

The Hamburg Mat Filter (HMF) is very popular in invertebrate aquariums. It can be built by yourself, but you can also buy ready-made hamburger mat filters. Basically, this filter consists of a filter mat installed in the aquarium and a drive. This can be done either by an air lift, a motor-driven pump or an internal filter.

Bottom filter in shrimp aquarium

A bottom filter consists of filter grids, which are installed in the aquarium under the substrate and are driven by an air lifter or a motor-driven pump. Here, the entire substrate is used as a filter substrate, which is especially advantageous in invertebrate tanks. Unfortunately, this type of filter is not suitable for plant tanks, as the roots will grow through the filter in no time. Cleaning a bottom filter is quite time-consuming, because you have to disassemble the entire aquarium.


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