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NatureHolic Booster - liquid food for shrimps, snails and mussels

Why a liquid food for shrimps and for growth-eating snails? For filter feeders like mussels we can put up with it, here it really makes sense to supply the mussels with nutrients - but what benefit do shrimps and snails have from such a liquid food? The feed developers of NatureHolic have already thought about this.

What do nursery eaters feed on in nature?
Shrimps and snails are known to be aufwuchsfressern. In nature, snails and dwarf shrimps, especially the young shrimps, mainly eat fouling and biofilms, i.e. they feed on fine algae and microorganisms that grow on the surfaces in their biotope. In addition to vitamins and fiber, the algae also provide a whole host of important minerals, and the microorganisms also help to meet protein requirements. Thanks to the special composition of the biofilms and the high tolerance of bacterial protein, the sensitive shrimps do not experience excessively rapid growth and moulting problems here. A little later, insects and their larvae are included in the diet of shrimp and snails, as well as brown foliage and other plant debris.

Special feature when feeding babyshrimp
Especially the youngest baby shrimp of popular species like bee shrimp, tiger shrimp or also the offspring of high breeding shrimp like Taiwan Bees, Galaxy Fishbone, Boa and like they are all called is still very site bound in the beginning directly after hatching. Up to now it was always a big problem to supply these baby shrimps optimally. Especially in heavily stocked aquariums the biofilms and the growth are eaten faster than they can form. Especially the very smallest, weakest shrimp are not so assertive and then like to look down the tube.

Disadvantages of dust food in the aquarium
Dust foods pollute the aquarium heavily, and many dust foods are far too coarse, too hard and too large for the very smallest shrimp and their tiny, still very weak claws. They get almost nothing from the granules. Or even worse, depending on the flow conditions in the aquarium, the dust food does not reach where the baby shrimp is sitting at all, and it must continue to starve.

An alternative for feeding growth-eating shrimp
So the feed developers at NatureHolic took a close look at what shrimp eat in nature, and they turned that feed into a liquid feed - Shrimp Booster. But why liquid feed? Here, the finest, micro-ground food particles are slurried in water. If you shake the bottle well before feeding, you get a very homogeneous feed mixture, which already has the right consistency and which distributes perfectly in the aquarium. No more fiddly mixing of dusty food, no more sticky dusty food residues on the spoon, no more difficult to rinse bowls with dusty food rims ... aquaristics has once again become a bit easier and more user-friendly! 

What can the NatureHolic Shrimp Booster do?
NatureHolic's liquid feed Shrimp Booster spreads perfectly in the water and sinks evenly into the tank. This way it covers all surfaces with a microfine food film, which the shrimp can graze on just like in nature - due to the fact that food is evenly available everywhere, even the underdog, weaker baby shrimp come into their own and can nibble stress-free exactly where they sit. The composition corresponds to the natural diet of shrimp and promotes healthy growth, sustainable development and good reproduction.

Growth-eating snails in the aquarium provide
Just like shrimp, snails in the aquarium are growth eaters. Especially the racing snails, staghorn snails and limpets in the trade are wild-caught snails, which logically do not know artificial food and therefore accept it as a food source only very hesitantly - if at all. In the beginning, many of these beautiful snails are therefore almost starved by the transport, and they need a good pauper food. With the NatureHolic Snailfeed and the Algae Plates NatureHolic has already presented here, but with the Snail Booster our feed developers have again taken a giant leap forward. The liquid NatureHolic Snail Booster also spreads perfectly in the water and covers the surfaces like a film of growth - the snails now only have to grab it and start feeding. But not only neritids like growth, also all other aquarium snails will find exactly the mixture they need for a healthy shell structure, good growth and a long snail life. For snails that are able to reproduce in the aquarium, NatureHolic Snail Booster stimulates reproduction and the animals become more productive. Especially with finicky, less assertive snails like Piano Snails or Brotia, the right food can be crucial for breeding success.

Feeding mussels in the aquarium
Of course, NatureHolic has not forgotten the mussels mentioned above in the feed development of liquid feeds for the aquarium - after all, they are also ideal candidates for liquid feeds. Mussels filter the water, and even the small Golden Cup Mussels have an incredible water flow of 20 liters per day. They pass the water through their bodies, where a fine sieve of mucus threads filters suspended matter and tiny detritus particles from the water, which the mussel feeds on. This pumping is enormously strenuous, and the energy requirements of aquarium mussels are correspondingly high. Unfortunately, they usually do not find enough suspended matter in the aquarium - even unfiltered, filterless tanks are often still too clean. Or the tanks are not too clean, but the water pollution is too high: polluted, overturning water mussels also do not like at all. So keeping mussels in the aquarium is a difficult balancing act. The feed developers of NatureHolic have also looked closely at this and have found a good solution for mussel feeding with the liquid NatureHolic Clam Booster. The liquid feed distributes perfectly in the aquarium and the mussels can filter the microfine feed cloud out of the water, providing them with everything they need for good shell formation and for their normal, strenuous day's work.

Further crucial advantages of the liquid NatureHolic Booster
The new NatureHolic Booster are thereby very economical in the application. One drop of NatureHolic Shrimp Bo oster for 30 shrimp or one drop of NatureHolic Clam Bo oster or NatureHolic Snail Booster per 30 liters of aquarium volume is sufficient to provide the shrimp, aquarium snails or mussels in the aquarium with all the nutrients, minerals and vital substances they need for healthy development - thus keeping water pollution within much tighter limits than would be the case with dust food, for example. NatureHolic's boosters have even more advantages: they provide not only the aquarium animals, but also the microbiology in the aquarium with a veritable rain of nutrients, minerals and trace elements. A good microbiology, in turn, ensures rich growth and well-developed microorganisms, which in turn benefits the growth-eating shrimps and snails and ensures a stable ecosystem in the aquarium.

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