Axolotl in aquaristics

It was only in 2006 that the status of the axolotl as nearly extinct was revised at the International Conference on the Conservation of Species. That's why its breeding and keeping is very important in aquaristics. Here you can find out everything about your water monster. Read more »

The white spot disease in fish aquarium

No sooner have the new, much-awaited fish finally arrived than they suddenly appear in a completely different design: instead of colorful stripes and colors, one after the other suddenly has white spots. Food becomes uninteresting and somehow the fish seem to want to scratch... Read more »

XXl Blog: Betta splendens - fighting fish in the aquarium

Fighting fish are becoming more and more popular among aquarium hobbyists and those who want to become one. No wonder, they are quite easy to keep and breed and are a real feast for the eyes among freshwater aquarium fish. But are they solitary or not, can they be socialised... Read more »
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