Emperor cichlid albino pink peacock - Aulonocara firefish albino
  • interesting color scheme
  • for Malawi tanks
  • can be bred
  • Socialization possible
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Emperor cichlid albino pink peacock - Aulonocara firefish albino

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Product information
Emperor cichlid albino pink peacock - Aulonocara firefish albino
The Pink Peacock outshines its relatives by miles with its appearance! It is well suited for the Malawi tank and can even be bred. Its great colors provide for real color catchers in the basin, which really shine. I pay attention to a good water hygiene and increase the oxygen content, so that he feels well. - Garnelio
with shrimps?: Socialization not possible
Diet: carnivore - meat eater
Temperature: 24-28 °C
Pelvic region: Everywhere
Feature: Interesting coloring
Aquarium size: 400/450 l (approx. 150cm)
with snails/shells?: No
Fish group: Cichlids
Water values: Medium hard water
Final size: > 12cm
with dwarf crabs?: No
Breeding: medium
Difficulty: 2 - Normal
Visual effect: Especially colorful
Planting possible?: Yes
Origin: Africa
Behavior: Normal
with large crabs?: No
with fish?: conditional* (see description)
with crabs?: No

The Albino Pink Peacock is an attractive breeding form of the Emperor Cichlid, which originally comes from the East African Lake Malawi. There it mainly colonizes rock structures. The Fire Fish is a hybrid, which was crossed from Aulonocara and Maylandia. Its particularly attractive color makes it a great eye-catcher in the aquarium. With its eye-catching pretty color it is especially eye-catching in the aquarium and thanks to its quite peaceful character it is also quite easy to maintain.

Typical for your Pink Peacock is the slight high back with the narrow compressed sides. Especially his red eyes stand out. His sloping forehead ends with a thick-lipped underslung mouth. Its ground color is a light pink with orange-red tones. The dorsal fin of males is elongated and extended, as is the anal fin. The females, on the other hand, have more rounded fins. They can reach up to 18 cm.

Care for your perch from 130 cm edge length, whereby larger is of course always more advantageous. Structure the substrate with rocks and roots to provide both privacy and territorial marking. Make sure that your mini-reef is secured against falling over and also has a few hiding places. Because your animals attach importance to a very good water hygiene, you should not neglect the water change. You can also provide additional oxygen with a flow pump, alternatively you can simply adjust the filter outlet or use oxydators. Sand is a good substrate, because they sometimes even chew through it.

You can also breed your favorites in the aquarium, if you keep them in a harem, i.e. with a surplus of females, you will have more success. Feed them generously with frozen food to get them in the mood and raise the water temperature to 27 °C for this purpose. When the female has laid her eggs, she collects them with her mouth. The female takes advantage of this and presents her her egg spot on her anal fin. As soon as the female tries to collect the supposed egg, she fertilizes the eggs in her mouth. She incubates them this way for about three weeks. As soon as the young swim free you can feed them with fine live food like slipper fish or infusoria and later also artemia.

Your Pink Peacock can be socialized quite well with other cichlids that reach about its size and come from similar water parameters. In contrast to other hybrids it is rather less conspicuous by too brisk behaviour. Only invertebrates are rather out of place in his aquarium, as they correspond to his natural food spectrum and are therefore ignored by him as a delicacy.

In the aquarium the carnivorous Fire Fish can be easily fed with conventional dry food such as granules, sticks, pellets, but also flakes for carnivorous ornamental fish. From time to time you can also spoil him with live and frozen food, in general he should be fed varied. Artemia, but also white mosquito larvae, daphnia, enchytraea or tubifex are suitable. They will also gladly accept feeder shrimp or thawed fish fillets.

Our food recommendation: NatureHolic Cichfeed is a prime staple food for all carnivorous cichlids in the aquarium, perfectly meeting their dietary requirements. The tasty pearls are also very well eaten by larger cichlids. Thanks to their soft texture, NatureHolic Cichfeed food pearls are gentle on the mouth and can be eaten very well by the fish.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planaria and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Scientific Name: Aulonocara Fire Fish Albino
German Name: Emperor Cichlid Red, Red Albino Fire Fish
Difficulty level: advanced
Origin/Distribution: Hybrid, East Africa
Coloration: orange-red base color, conspicuous red eye, bright thick lip bulges. Pointed dorsal fin and filamentous anal fin in males, to 18 centimeters.
Age expectancy: 4 to 6 years
Water parameters: GH 10-30, KH 6-30, pH, temperature 24-27
Tank size: from 300 liters
Food: Carnivores/upstarters, live and frozen food, mosquito larvae, feeder shrimp, artemia, granules, flake food, sticks Natureholic Cichfeed
Breeding: medium
Behavior: territorial/aggressive towards conspecifics
Group size: at least 3 animals: 1 male, 2 females
Further information: Ten typical aquarium fish for beginners and alternatives to them, Tips for acclimating fish to the aquarium, Feeding aquarium fish properly - cheap food and what it can do
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Emperor cichlid albino pink peacock - Aulonocara firefish albino

Emperor cichlid albino pink peacock - Aulonocara firefish albino

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