Discus color mix DNZ - Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Discus color mix DNZ - Symphysodon aequifasciatus
  • colorful mix
  • for soft water
  • 12-15 years
  • Socialization possible
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Discus color mix DNZ - Symphysodon aequifasciatus

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Product information
Discus color mix DNZ - Symphysodon aequifasciatus
With the colorful Discus Mix you provide color in the aquarium and great eye-catchers, especially if you have planted it great. Combined with schooling fish, you can create a great biotope aquarium that you can enjoy for a long time, because with good care, your favorites can reach a proud age of up to 15 years! - Garnelio
Origin: South America
Water values: Soft water
Temperature: 25-30 °C
Visual effect: interesting body shape
Feature: Interesting coloring
Behavior: Quiet
Aquarium size: 400/450 l (approx. 150cm)
Difficulty: 4 - Special
Fish group: Cichlids
Final size: > 12cm
Pelvic region: Center
Breeding: medium
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
Planting possible?: Yes
with snails/shells?: Yes
with large crabs?: No
with fish?: conditional* (see description)
with dwarf crabs?: No
with shrimps?: Socialization not possible
with crabs?: No

The darling of aquaristics has a name: Discus! The also Symphysodon aequifasciatus has its origins in South America and is nowadays available in many color forms. Breeding skills and outstanding ambitions have made the discus one of the evergreens, which will probably always inspire.

Here you get a Discus Mixwhich was bred in Germany (DNZ). A color selection is made by us depending on availability, a Selection is not possible.

The disc-shaped Body gave the Discus its name and it grows between 12 to 15 cm. The discus mix varies in colors. The pectoral fins are extended, the head is blunt with a terminal mouth and has large eyes. If you take good care of your animals they can last you up to 15 years.

The Home for your new pets should be at least 150 cm long and due to the special body shape of your animals should be accordingly high. Because they get their strength from the group you should keep them best in the Swarm from 10 animals. Pay attention to a very good water hygiene, because they are sensitive to this. The keeping in a black water aquarium with Bog pine roots is advantageous. With root or stone structures, which you secure against falling over, you can create a great infrastructure. With Cryptocorynes or Vallsneria you can plant the tank. Create territories, because your animals are sometimes somewhat territorial.

You can breed your discus breed your discusbut it is really time-consuming. A spawning aquarium with very acidic water values is suitable, with a spawning cone you can also get your animals in the mood. When they start "cleaning" plants and rocks this is a first indication that they are in a mood. Often you don't even notice the spawning act itself, because it usually takes place at dusk. The parents fan the clutch with their fins to supply it with oxygen. 72 hours later the first young hatch, which feed on the skin secretion of the parents. You can raise them with infusoria, nauplii or paramecia.

Red Neons or Corydoras are suitable for socialization with your Discus. Also Butterfly Cichlids, Corydoras or Tetras are great fish to keep. However, it is better not to add invertebrates. Amano shrimps are rather safe from being eaten due to their size.

A varied feeding with your omnivores Omnivores is obligatory: pay attention to excellent quality and offer them appropriate discus food, but also live and frozen food like black and white mosquito larvae. Dry and flake food that sinks semi-fast they also accept well. Feed best several times a day in very small portions and pay attention to the vegetable portion in their diet.

Our food recommendation: The NatureHolic Cichfeed has a grain size of 1.5 mm and is therefore also suitable for larger fish. The NH Cichfeed is a soft granulate for predominantly carnivorous ornamental fish. It has the same consistency as small crustaceans and insect larvae that fish naturally eat, and the soft granules protect the fish mouth from micro-injuries that can result from hard feed granules.

Our plant recommendation: For planting, use NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and husbandry.

Scientific name: Symphysodon aequifasciatus
German Name: Discus Mix
Difficulty level: advanced
Origin/Distribution: South America, Amazon Basin, Orinoco, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela
Coloration: disc-shaped body, terminal small mouth, large eyes. Female with rounded genital papilla, about 12-15 centimeters body length adult
Age expectancy: approx. 12-15 years
Water parameters: GH 2 to 10, pH 5.0 to 7.8, KH 1-9 °dH, temperature 26 to 30 °C
Tank size: 450 l and up
Food: Omnivorous, varied diet necessary. Granualt food, dry food, flake food for discus perch, also live and frozen food: mosquito larvae, artemia, daphnia, grindal, enchytraea
Breeding: difficult
Behavior: territorial and territorial in places
Group size: at least 5 animals
Further information: Ten typical aquarium fish for beginners and alternatives to them, Tips for acclimating fish to the aquarium, Feeding aquarium fish properly - cheap food and what it can do
  • 28956
  • 4251932208590

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Discus color mix DNZ - Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Discus color mix DNZ - Symphysodon aequifasciatus

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Question: "Wann bekommen sie wieder Diskuse?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Miriam, vielen Dank fuer deine Frage! Wir erhalten die Tiere regelmaessig und werden bald wieder welche haben. Trage gerne deine Mail oben ein, so dass du benachrichtigt wirst, wenn sie da sind. 

Question: "Wie viele Diskusfische sind in diesem Mix vorhanden?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Philipp, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Für jede Bestelleinheit wird je 1 Tier geliefert.

Question: "Kann ich sie mit Regenbogenfischen zusammen setzen? Mit freundlichen Grüßen "

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Sven, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Auf Grund der sehr unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse an die Wasserparameter ist dies nicht möglich.

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