Discus heckel DNZ - Symphysodon discus
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Discus heckel DNZ - Symphysodon discus

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Product information
Discus heckel DNZ - Symphysodon discus
Heckel's discus are sometimes also called true discus and can be easily recognized due to their typical markings. Even if their care is a bit more complex, they are great co-inhabitants that will stay with you for a very long time if you pay attention to them. - Garnelio
Origin: South America
Planting possible?: conditional* (see description)
Temperature: 28-31 °C
Visual effect: interesting body shape
Feature: Interesting coloring
Behavior: Quiet
with fish?: Yes, with peaceful fish
Aquarium size: 400/450 l (approx. 150cm)
Fish group: Cichlids
Water values: Soft water
Pelvic region: Center
Difficulty: 3 - Difficult
Final size: > 12cm
Breeding: medium
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
with snails/shells?: Yes
with large crabs?: No
with dwarf crabs?: No
with shrimps?: Socialization not possible
with crabs?: No

The Heckel Disc us belongs to the true discus and is scientifically called Symphysodon discus. Often it is also known as the "true discus cichlid" or "Heckeldiscus". It is one of three known discus species and may well be confused with other species due to its appearance. It differs mainly by pattern and coloration.

You get animals from us, which were bred in Germany(DNZ).

The discus isnamed after its disc-shaped body. The discus is characterized among other things by a wavy lined pattern, which are on both halves of the body, as well as a dark vertical band. Other vertical stripes also run across its body with varying intensity.

Discus originate from waters around the Rio Negro, Rio Trombetas and Rio Abacaxis, all of which are very acidic. Therefore, look for soft water values in the aquarium as well, with pH values between 3.5-7.4 and almost no total hardness. Design the tank, which should be at least 150 cm long for 5 animals with root structures at the edge, in which your favorites can retreat. Sand is suitable as substrate, because they blow through it when searching for food. You can design the tank with Anubias, sword plants or Cryptocorynen, make sure with your plant selection that they tolerate higher temperatures, because Discus like it warm. Unlike other discus species, the true discus is not a blackwater dweller.

Harmonizing pairs form out of the group and can also be bred, but it is a real craft. For this purpose it is best to use a spawning aquarium with very acidic water and a spawning cone, which you can also find in our store. Often you don't even notice the spawning act itself, because it usually takes place at dusk. The parents fan the clutch with their fins to supply it with oxygen. 72 hours later the first young hatch, which feed on the skin secretion of the parents. You can raise them with infusoria, nauplii or paramecia.

Red Neons or Corydoras are suitable for socialization with your Discus. Butterfly cichlids, corydoras or tetras are also great bycatchers. However, it is better not to add invertebrates. Amano shrimp are rather safe from being eaten due to their size.

A varied feeding of your omnivores is obligatory: pay attention to excellent quality and offer them an appropriate discus food, but also live and frozen food like black and white mosquito larvae. Dry and flake food that sinks semi-fast they also accept well. Feed preferably several times a day in very small portions and pay attention to the vegetable portion in their diet.


Our food recommendation: NatureHolic Cichfeed is a great staple food for all carnivorous cichlids in the aquarium, perfectly meeting their dietary requirements. The tasty pearls are also very well eaten by larger cichlids. Thanks to their soft texture, NatureHolic Cichfeed food pearls are gentle on the mouth and can be eaten very well by the fish.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planaria and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Scientific name: Symphysodon discus (HECKEL, 1840)
German name: Heckel's discus cichlid
Difficulty level: for advanced fishers
Origin/Distribution: South America
Coloration: beige base color with turquoise waves, striking black vertical band, black eye band
Age expectation: approx. 10
Water parameters: GH 0-15, KH 0 to 4, pH 3.5-7.5, temperature 26-31 °C
Tank size: from 150 cm for 5 animals
Food: Omnivorous, varied diet necessary. Granualt food, dry food, flake food for discus perch, also live and frozen food: mosquito larvae, artemia, daphnia, grindal, enchytraea
Breeding: difficult
Behavior: territorial and territorial in places
Group size: at least 5 animals
Further information: Ten typical aquarium fish for beginners and alternatives to them, Tips for acclimating fish to the aquarium, Feeding aquarium fish properly - cheap food and what it can do
  • 28958
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Discus heckel DNZ - Symphysodon discus

Discus heckel DNZ - Symphysodon discus

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Question: "Wenn Sie Heckel wieder haben sollten ich nehmen 10 Stück Bitte um Rückantwort MfG Randolph Nisius "

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Randolph, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Hinterleg deine Mail und erhalte Bescheid sobald wir die Tiere dahaben. Du kannst diese dann sofort bestellen.

Question: "Hallo, habe gestern Heckel Diskus bekommen ? Ich glaube nicht das es Heckel Diskus sind. MfG"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Franz, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Wir können zu 100% garantieren, dass es sich um Heckel Diskuse handelt.

Question: "Sehr geehrte und Herren, können Sie mir bitte sagen wie die Heckel sind. Danke"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Franz, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Es geht den Tieren gut, es handelt sich um Heckel Diskus.

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