Red Bolt Shrimp - Taiwan Shrimp - Shadow Bee - Caridina sp.
  • pretty high breeding shrimp
  • often red spot on the side of the head
  • rather for advanced fishers
  • needs very soft water
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Red Bolt Shrimp - Taiwan Shrimp - Shadow Bee - Caridina sp.

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Product information
Red Bolt Shrimp - Taiwan Shrimp - Shadow Bee - Caridina sp.
Rare and yet so pretty - the Red Bolt is in a league of its own. The red spot that many Red Bolts have on the side of the head contrasts very nicely with the white body coloration. As a Taiwang shrimp or Taiwanese, the Red Bolt is a bit more sensitive and therefore rather a case for well-informed advanced or even professionals in shrimp breeding. - Garnelio
Propagation: possible in fresh water
Water values: soft
Origin: German offspring
Difficulty: for professionals
Coloring: white red

The Red Bolt Shrimp is a color form of the Taiwan Shrimp, also called Shadow Shrimp. Their white top color allows the orange-red to dark yellow body color to shine through, giving them a beautiful golden hue. A red spot shines through on the side of the head and breastplate of many animals. The Red Bolt shrimp is therefore also known as Bleeding Heart shrimp. From not well colored Snow White or Golden Bee shrimp the Red Bolt can be distinguished by its tail fan. This always shows red areas. Shadow shrimp possibly originated by deliberate crossbreeding of tiger shrimp into bee shrimp strains. However, there is also a theory that the shadow shrimp came into being by mutation.

The shrimp grow to only 2.5-3 cm in size, with males also often reaching only 2 cm in body size. The females of the Red Bolt shrimp are characterized by a somewhat plumper build, while the males remain quite slender.

The Red Bolt Shrimp prefers its water cool, oxygen-rich and very clean. It should only be kept in tap water if it has an almost undetectable carbonate hardness. If this cannot be guaranteed, it should be kept in osmosis or demineralized water treated with a special mineral salt(bee salt). For the relatively sensitive Red Bolt Shrimp, we also recommend the use of an active soil, which adjusts the water values to optimal values. Per week approx. 10 to 30% of the water should be changed. Vacuum the substrate from time to time!
A heater is usually not necessary in an aquarium for Red Bolt shrimp, but rather a cooler. Permanent temperatures should not exceed 25 °C even in summer. Feeding should be sparing - too many nutrients in the aquarium will drive up the germ count in the open water, which the Red Bolt Shrimp does not tolerate well at all.

Red Bolt shrimp are not very picky omnivores, they will gladly take all kinds of food. In any case, the diet should be predominantly vegetable and include a suitable protein food twice a week. Red Bolt shrimp are very fond of eating the biofilms of brown autumn leaves and later the leaves themselves. Since it does not negatively affect water values, it can remain in the aquarium until it has been eaten.

If external conditions are suitable, the Red Bolt shrimp will reproduce willingly . The females lay 20 to 40 eggs, which they carry under their abdomens for three to four weeks. Once the young shrimp are hatched, they are immediately independent. Basically, Shadow shrimp babies are quite small and grow slowly. Because of their high site fidelity, they need dust foodsparingly at first, but regularly, and it will disperse well in the water and get everywhere in the aquarium.

Red Bolt shrimp, like most dwarf shrimp, are peaceful group animals, and you can socialize them nicely with other shrimp - however, water quality requirements should definitely be considered!

Because the Red Bolt shrimp reproduces less quickly than other shrimp, and due to their high sensitivity, they feel most comfortable in a species tank. They can be kept together with peaceful snails .

Our food recommendation: NatureHolic's soft mainfeed  softpads are designed for daily feeding. They contain all the nutrients shrimp need for shell development, egg formation and growth. During the production process we pay attention to a gentle and environmentally friendly production, in which the vitamins and other valuable ingredients are preserved as much as possible.

Our plant recommendation: Use for the planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planaria and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend for fish keeping the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Scientific name: Caridina sp.
German Name: Red Bolt Shrimp, Bleeding Heart Shrimp (Taiwan Shrimp / Shadow Bee)
Difficulty level: for professionals
Origin/Distribution: Breeding form from Taiwan
Coloration: transparent yellow-gold to orange-reddish body color, white top color that allows the red to shine through, especially on the side of the head
Age expectancy: 18 to 24 months
Water parameters: GH 3 to 10, KH 0 to 3, pH 5 to 7.5, temperature 15 to 25 °C
Tank size: 10 l and up, but we recommend a size of at least 20 l
Food: Protein food 1 to 2x weekly, otherwise rather vegetable(Natureholic Mainfeed)
Propagation: relatively easy, after four to six weeks 20 to 40 young hatch
Behavior: peaceful
Socialization: pure shrimp tanks should be preferred
Further information Foliage for the aquarium + foliage list, Feed shrimp, crayfish, snails & mussels properly, 10 tips for budding aquarists
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Customer reviews (2)
5 von 5
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14 Jan 2018

Meine 5 Red Bolt Garnelen sind gut angekommen. Ich kann nur mitteilen dass sie gesund und munter sind.Zu der Farbe kann ich noch nichts sagen weil sie momentan noch weiß sind.

Der Ablauf der Bestellung, der Benachrichtigung der Verschickung und die Ankunft lief super.Die Tiere sind sehr agil und ich freue mich darauf wenn sie soweit sind wie die Blue Bolt dass sie ihre Farbe zeigen. Alles bestens. I.Meyer

11 Mar 2016


Sehr hübsches Tier. Preis top.

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Red Bolt Shrimp - Taiwan Shrimp - Shadow Bee - Caridina sp.

Red Bolt Shrimp - Taiwan Shrimp - Shadow Bee - Caridina sp.

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Wir erwarten die nächste Lieferung in Kürze. Einen genauen Lieertermin kann ich dir leider nicht nennen, aber du kannst dir die Tiere auch solange auf deiner Merkliste zwischenparken.

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14 Jan 2018

Meine 5 Red Bolt Garnelen sind gut angekommen. Ich kann nur mitteilen dass sie gesund und munter sind.Zu der Farbe kann ich noch nichts sagen weil sie momentan noch weiß sind.

Der Ablauf der Bestellung, der Benachrichtigung der Verschickung und die Ankunft lief super.Die Tiere sind sehr agil und ich freue mich darauf wenn sie soweit sind wie die Blue Bolt dass sie ihre Farbe zeigen. Alles bestens. I.Meyer

11 Mar 2016


Sehr hübsches Tier. Preis top.

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