2 x Red chocolate gourami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti - pair
  • Colorful females
  • Mouthbrooder
  • Blackwater fish
  • Very peaceful
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2 x Red chocolate gourami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti - pair

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Product information
2 x Red chocolate gourami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti - pair
The Red Chocolate Gurami is a great and interesting fish that is comfortable in small tanks, but requires a high level of care and attention by the keeper. Experienced aquarists who want to venture into the world of blackwater biotopes will find this a great starter fish. Its peaceful and somewhat shy nature makes it a good aquarium companion for other calm animals that don't do well with too much excitement in the tank. Yet for a fish with such a calm disposition, it is exceedingly colorful and a great choice for you if you enjoy mouth breeders and labyrinth fish, but find most species too rowdy and take up too much space. - Garnelio
Water values: soft to hard
Origin: Asia
Difficulty: 1 - Simple
Final size: 4-8 cm
with snails/shells?: Yes
Planting possible?: Yes
Visual effect: Especially colorful
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
with dwarf crabs?: conditional* (see description)
Pelvic region: Top
Breeding: simply
Aquarium size: 100 l (approx. 80cm)
with shrimps?: with shrimps from 4-6 cm size
Fish group: Labyrinth fish
Temperature: 25-30 °C

The Red Chocolate Gurami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti is a particularly interesting representative of the Gurami family. The approx. 5 cm large species originates from the Kalimantan region, which makes up the south and west of the island of Borneo located in Indonesia. There, the red chocolate gourami inhabits small streams where it can be found in pairs among branches and leaves lying in the stream. It is assumed that the species imitates these leaves in its appearance in order to protect itself from predators. In addition to the typical threads on the chest of the gourami, they have a pointed head and a striped body pattern that varies depending on the location, which can range from brown tones to an intense red.


The red chocolate gourami is a calm fish, which becomes very quickly anxious and hides if its fellow inhabitants are too bright. It is therefore advisable to keep it together with calm small species, such as Keilfleckbärblingen, which also prefer the acidic millieu of the Red Chocolate Gurami. The animals themselves are quiet and peaceful towards other fish. Adult dwarf shrimp are left alone. Keeping a group of 6 animals seems to be optimal, keeping only pairs is not recommended. The animals do not need much space and can already be kept in tanks from 54 liters and 60 cm edge length.


Especially interesting is that the males are rather inconspicuous and wear a simple brown robe, whereas the females show a very conspicuous mackerel pattern in bright red tones. It is also the male that does the breeding. The species is an active brooder and cares intensively for its brood. Once the young are big enough to swim freely, they should be separated from the parents, because the brood care ends and the young are exposed to the risk of being eaten by the parents.


The Red Chocolate Gurami needs very soft, calm water. Preferred are pH values between 5 and 6.5 and a temperature of 27 to 30 degrees Celsius. The conductance should be kept below 100 microsiemens. Especially for breeding it is very important to keep the water as soft and clean as possible and to add as much humic substances as possible to the water. Therefore it is recommended to set up the tank as close to nature as possible and to add a lot of wood and foliage in the form of catappa leaves. But also other types of foliage containing humic substances as well as humic preparations have a very positive effect on the well-being of the animals. As with all labyrinth fish, make sure that the fish has enough space at the surface to supply its labyrinth organ with air.


In order to observe these unique animals in all their glory, it is necessary that the tank is not too brightly lit and is placed in as quiet a location as possible. A busy place will make the animals shy and subject them to unnecessary stress. It is also important to feed mainly high quality frozen and live foods. Dry food is usually spurned by the animals.


Scientific name:Sphaerichthys vaillanti
German Name:Red chocolate gourami
Difficulty level:advanced
Coloration:Male brown-gray , female red mackerel with blue tones
Age expectation: 3-5 years about
Water parameters:GH 1-5, KH 0-4, pH 5.0-6.5, temperature
Tank size: 60 liters (60 cm) from x l
Food: live food, frozen food Carnivore
Breeding: Medium - Animals require fairly acidic water, peat filtration may be necessaryl
Behavior: very peaceful
Group size: 6 at least 6 animals
Further information:<a href="https://www.garnelio.de/en/blog/nutrition/insect-larvae-as-live-food-mosquito-larvae-co" target="_blank">Insect larvae as live food - mosquito larvae and co.</a>, <a href="https://www.garnelio.de/en/blog/ornamental-fish/fische-im-aquarium" target="_blank">Fish in the aquarium</a> etc.</td></tr> </tbody></table>
  • 31118

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2 x Red chocolate gourami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti - pair

2 x Red chocolate gourami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti - pair

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