Rainbow cichlid DNZ - Herotilapia multispinosa
  • Beautiful cichlid
  • Great in a Central America aquarium
  • Interesting brood care
  • Eats filamentous algae
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Rainbow cichlid DNZ - Herotilapia multispinosa

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Product information
Rainbow cichlid DNZ - Herotilapia multispinosa
The pretty rainbow cichlid from Central America is the only species in its genus. The beautifully marked fish are super to watch especially in the breeding season and show a really interesting behavior. Rainbow cichlids live up to their name, they look like little jewels in the aquarium. They fit well in a larger South America community aquarium with tetras and catfish. - Garnelio
Water values: medium hard to hard
Pelvic region: Below
Temperature: 20-30 °C
Feature: Algae eater
Fish group: Cichlids
Origin: Central America
Visual effect: Forms territories (when spawning)
Planting possible?: conditional* (see description)
Final size: > 12cm
Breeding: simply
Aquarium size: 200 l (approx. 100cm)
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
with snails/shells?: Yes
Difficulty: 1 - Simple
Behavior: Normal
with large crabs?: No
with fish?: conditional* (see description)
with dwarf crabs?: No
with shrimps?: Socialization not possible
with crabs?: No

The colorful Central American rainbow cichlid Herotilapia multispinosa was formerly known as Heros multispinosus or Archocentrus multispinosus. It belongs to the large cichlid or cichlid family. Herotilapia multispinosa is found in Central America from Honduras to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and even in Europe: in Hungary there is a permanent population in a thermal lake.

The rainbow cichlid is characterized by a beautiful rainbow coloration. The black longitudinal stripe in the middle of the body can be interrupted to a dot pattern. Sometimes the fish also show faint vertical dark stripes. The body is decorated with a reddish pattern on a blue-green metallic shimmering ground, the fins are reddish with blue metallic accents. The Rainbow Cichlid grows to 12-17 cm in size. Females usually remain somewhat smaller and do not show quite as brilliant colors.

In the wild, the omnivorous Rainbow Cichlids like to eat detritus, i.e. plant debris, and they like to scrape filamentous algae from rocks with their specially designed dentition. In the aquarium Herotilapia multispinosa also likes to eat filamentous algae! Otherwise, a diet for omnivorous aquarium fish is fine.

The Rainbow Cichlid is kept in pairs in the aquarium or in a harem with a clear surplus of fem ales - one male tolerates up to six females. In its Central American homeland, it lives in rivers, ponds and lakes over muddy bottoms with aquatic plants and accumulations of dead wood and foliage. In the aquarium, the Rainbow Cichlid should also find roots and foliage. Along the edges, the aquarium can be planted neatly - leaving enough space for swimming in the middle areas. Plants with particularly soft foliage can be nibbled on, although Herotilapia multispinosa usually tends to leave the plants alone.

Rainbow cichlids are very frugal with respect to water values. They tolerate medium to hard water, a pH of 7 to 8, and temperatures between 21 to 36 °C. This beautiful cichlid is grateful for humic substances in the water.

Herotilapia multispinosa is rather active in the lower areas of the aquarium and can be best socialized with fish in the upper water layers like tetras. Catfish are also good aquarium mates if there is sufficient surface area. Shrimps are eaten.

When breeding, Rainbow Cichlids are very territorial and aggressive, the male defends his clutch vehemently. Good hiding places, a well thought-out structure with roots and stones and possibilities to escape are therefore obligatory in an aquarium with rainbow cichlids. An aquarium from 100 cm edge length / 200 liters volume is suitable.

The breeding of the pretty rainbow cichlids is not particularly difficult. They are not cave breeders. Flat stones or an inverted flower coaster are readily accepted. The female spawns between 200 and 500 eggs during courtship, which are fertilized by the male and cared for by both parents. The small rainbow cichlids are fed fine live foods such as artemiauplii, copepods, infusoria, and microworms. Because the father may start eating the small herotilapia after some time, you should put some of the larvae into a separate breeding tank and raise them there if you want to breed rainbow cichlids specifically in the aquarium.

Scientific name: Herotilapia multispinosa, synonyms: Heros multispinosus, Archocentrus multispinosus
German Name: Rainbow Cichlid
Difficulty level: for beginners
Origin/Distribution: Central America
Coloration: Black longitudinal stripe in center of body, partly interrupted to dot pattern, partly faint vertical dark stripes. Body ground color metallic blue with reddish pattern, fins reddish with blue metallic accents....
Age expectation: unknown
Water parameters: GH 5 to 20, KH 3 to 15, pH 7 to 8, temperature 20 to 30 °C
Tank size: from 100 cm for a pair or a small group consisting of one male and several females
Food: Omnivorous, thread algae eater
Breeding: easy
Behavior: territorial in the breeding season
Group size: Pair keeping or small group (harem) of one male with 2-6 females
Additional information: <a href="https://www.garnelio.de/blog/garnelen/welche-fische-vertragen-sich-mit-garnelen="_blank">Which fish get along with shrimp?</a>, <a href="https://www.garnelio.de/en/blog/aquarist-tips/socialization-of-fish-with-dwarf-crabs" target="_blank">Association of fish and dwarf crayfish</a>, <a href="https://www.garnelio.de/blog/krebse/vergesellschaftung-von-fischen-und-grossen-flusskrebsen" target="_blank">Association of fish and large crayfish</a></td> </tr> </tbody></table>
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Rainbow cichlid DNZ - Herotilapia multispinosa

Rainbow cichlid DNZ - Herotilapia multispinosa

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Question: "Können Regenbogenchichliden mit Skalaren zusammen gepflegt werden?"

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