Serpae tetra - Hyphessobrycon serpae
Die tollen roten Serpaesalmler sind echte Hingucker im Aquarium. Der lebhafte Fisch führt bei seinen Interaktionen mit seinen Artgenossen spektakuläre Kapriolen durch. Serpaesalmler gelten als Raufbolde unter den Salmlern, daher sollten sie nur in etwas größeren, gut strukturierten Aquarien gehalten werden. Die Vergesellschaftung des Serpaesalmlers mit größeren Amanogarnelen und auch mit sich gut vermehrenden Zwerggarnelen funktioniert recht gut. Selbst mit Zwergkrebsen kann es klappen!
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Serpae tetra - Hyphessobrycon serpae

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Product information
Serpae tetra - Hyphessobrycon serpae
Wissenschaftlicher Name: Hyphessobrycon eques
Deutscher Name: Blutsalmler, Serpaesalmler, Serpasalmler
Schwierigkeitsgrad: für Anfänger
Herkunft/Verbreitung: Südamerika
Färbung: orange rötlich, häufig mit mehr oder weniger großem schwarzem Fleck hinter dem Kiemendeckel, Rückenflosse mit schwarzem, hinten weiß gesäumtem Fleck, schwarz gesäumte Bauchflosse
Alterserwartung: ca. 5 Jahre
Wasserparameter: GH 8 bis 15, KH 0 bis 7, pH 5,5 bis 7,5, Temperatur 23 bis 28 °C
Beckengröße: ab 150 l
Futter: Allesfresser, braucht zusätzlich Frostfutter oder Lebendfutter
Zucht: relativ einfach
Verhalten: nicht immer friedlich zu anderen Fischen, kann Garnelennachwuchs fressen
Gruppengröße: Schwarm von mindestens 10
Weiterführende Informationen: Welche Fische vertragen sich mit Garnelen?, Vergesellschaftung von Fischen und Zwergkrebsen, Vergesellschaftung von Fischen und großen Flusskrebsen
- Garnelio
Water values: soft to medium hard
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
Temperature: 25-30 °C
Visual effect: Interesting behavior
Behavior: Active
with fish?: Yes, with peaceful fish
Aquarium size: 100 l (approx. 80cm)
Breeding: medium
Difficulty: 2 - Normal
Planting possible?: Yes
Origin: South America
with snails/shells?: Yes
with dwarf crabs?: Yes
with shrimps?: with dwarf shrimps, offspring is eaten
Final size: 4-8 cm
Fish group: Tetra
Feature: dynamic group behavior
with large crabs?: No
Pelvic region: Center
with crabs?: No

All Tetra species are small freshwater fishes from the family Characidae, from the order Characiformes. The Serpae tetra belongs to the genus Hyphessobrycon. Its scientific name is Hyphessobrycon serpae.

The body of this tetra is tall and compressed and can reach a size of 1.5 inches (4 centimeters). As mentioned above, this fish is often referred to as the "Blood Tetra," "Red Minor Tetra," and the like, and these names all derive from the fact that the Serpae Tetra has a distinct red body coloration. Shades vary from bright red to reddish brown. The red body is adorned with a black comma-shaped spot found just behind the gill cover. Some specimens have a very small marking or have no marking at all. As your Serpae Tetra gets older, the marking becomes smaller. The anal fin, pelvic fins, and tail are all red, and the anal fin is lined with black and white layers. The dorsal fin of the Serpae tetra is high and black with a thin white margin. This margin can sometimes have a reddish tint.

The Serpae Tetra is popular in community aquariums. Keep at least five, preferably more, Tetras together as they are schooling fish. They can become somewhat aggressive during feeding as they compete for food and sometimes nibble on each other's fins. Some aquarists even compare their feeding habits to the "feeding frenzy" that piranhas exhibit.

It is native to South America, where it is found in the Amazon Basin, Guaporé River and Paraguay River. Keep the water temperature in your aquarium between 72 and 79 °F (22 and 26 °C). The pH should be between 5 and 7.8 and the dH between 10 and 25. Do not keep your Serpae Tetra in an aquarium smaller than 60 centimeters.


Our food recommendation: The NatureHolic Main Feed is a professional staple food for all aquarium fish. We supply Hauptfeed in the form of soft granules, which, thanks to its grain size of half a millimeter, can be easily ingested by small to medium-sized fish. The soft consistency resembles the texture of insect larvae in nature and protects the fish mouth from micro-injuries.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

  • 31593

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Serpae tetra - Hyphessobrycon serpae

Serpae tetra - Hyphessobrycon serpae

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