Purple Piano Snail / Brush Algae Snail - Taia naticoides
Purple Piano Snail / Brush Algae Snail - Taia naticoides
  • Eater of growth and filter feeder
  • gives birth to live young
  • purple ground color
  • reproduces slowly
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TGA Purple Piano Snail / Brush Algae Snail - Taia naticoides

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Product information
Purple Piano Snail / Brush Algae Snail - Taia naticoides
The pretty purple piano snail is a very attractive color variation of the wild piano snail. It is also a filter feeder with special food requirements and a very suitable company e.g. in mussel aquariums where plenty of dust food is given. For the standard community tank, the purple piano snail is not necessarily suitable, but if its needs for dust food and quiet company are met, you can enjoy a very attractive snail that even reproduces. It is usually slow to reproduce, but it is possible to maintain the population and even increase it somewhat over time. - Garnelio

The purple piano snail (Taia naticoides) is a color variety of the piano snail from Burma, Vietnam and India. These snails have a brown striped house on a purple to lilac background. They grow up to 4 cm in size. Purple piano snails are separately sexual. The adult males can be recognized by their thickened right antenna, which serves as a mating organ. Females of the purple piano snail have uniformly thin antennae.

The purple piano snail belongs to the live-bearing snails. The eggs develop in the internal brood pouch, and every few weeks the females always release a single fully developed young, preferably during the night. There is no population explosion to worry about with the purple piano snail, even with excellent husbandry conditions. Whether the purple coloration is inherited, can unfortunately not yet be said with certainty.

In the habitat piano snails live mainly at the bottom of sediment-rich waters. They also burrow in the aquarium from time to time. We recommend to set up a corner with sand or healing earth for the purple piano snail in the aquarium to dig and rummage through . The purple piano snail can be kept in aquariums from 50 liters at a temperature of 22 to 28°C, a GH (total hardness) of 6 to 22 dGH, a KH (carbonate hardness) of 3 to 15 dKH and a pH-value from 7.5.

As a filter feeder, the purple piano snail needs dust food daily. Although the animals also rasp off algae growth and biofilms, feeding them dust food is still of great benefit to them. Once they have settled in, the purple piano snail can often be observed eating fish food scraps as well. Brown autumn leaves are an ideal substrate for growth and should therefore always be in the aquarium.

Like its wild-colored kin, the purple piano snail is not particularly assertive and for this reason should not be socialized with other, more dominant snails. The food competition of the other snails is too strong and the piano snails would be displaced. They feel most comfortable in a species tank, but socialization with mussels and fan shrimp is also possible. In this case, please make sure that there are areas in the aquarium with little current. Dwarf shrimps are also possible as additional stock. However, there should not be too many, so that the snails are not disturbed. Peaceful, plant-eating fish are also a good partner in the aquarium.

Our food recommendation: With the Natureholic Snail Feed Power Paste you create a feeding lawn that is very well accepted by all aufwuchs feeding snails. Also delicate wild-caught snails like racing snails or staghorn snails, which are stressed after transport and do not go to conventional food, can be fed up well with it.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend for fish keeping the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Actively prevent outbreaks: With the invisible Natureholic Snail Barrier you prevent the escape and loss of your snails from the aquarium.

Scientific name: Taia naticoides (Theobald, 1865)
German name: purple piano snail
Difficulty level: advanced
Origin/Distribution: Southeast Asia and India
Coloration: purple to lilac shell with dark spiral stripes
Age expectancy: unknown
Water parameters: pH from 7.5, KH 3-15, GH 6 to 22, temperature 22 to 28 °C
Tank size: from 50 l
Food: Snail feed, food remains, algae cover and growth, algae plates, brown autumn leaves, vegetable chips
Reproduction: lim freshwater possible
Behavior: very peaceful
Socialization: with shrimps, other peaceful, reserved snails, with peaceful fishes
Further information Remove racing snail eggs in the aquarium, NatureHolic Booster - liquid food for shrimp, snails and mussels, Autumn leaves in the aquarium - treats for shrimp & co
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Purple Piano Snail / Brush Algae Snail - Taia naticoides

Purple Piano Snail / Brush Algae Snail - Taia naticoides

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Question: "Hallo, Warum übertrâgt sich die Lila Färbung, bei dieser Schnecke nicht unbedingte auf die Jungtiere und wie Würden diese dann aussehen können? Wann werden sie wieder lila Pianoschnecken Verkaufen können? Gruß"

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