Star-spotted tetra gold - Pristella maxillaris
  • Schöne goldene Farbe
  • Wuseliger Salmler
  • Lebhafter Schwimmer
  • Interessanter Schwarmfisch
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Star-spotted tetra gold - Pristella maxillaris

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Product information
Star-spotted tetra gold - Pristella maxillaris
Der Goldene Sternflecksalmler ist ein wunderschöner Aquarienfisch, der wie ein kleiner Sonnenstrahl durchs Aquarium flitzt. In einem Schwarm bieten die hübschen Salmler einen tollen Anblick. Mit nur 4,5 cm Größe sind die lebhaften Sternflecksalmler absolut tauglich für ein Gesellschaftsbecken mit nicht zu schüchternen Fischen. Größere Garnelen bleiben unbehelligt. - Garnelio
Water values: soft to medium hard
Difficulty: 2 - Normal
Temperature: 24-28 °C
Behavior: Active
Feature: Interesting coloring
with fish?: Yes, with peaceful fish
Aquarium size: 54 l (approx. 60cm)
Breeding: medium
Visual effect: Swarm behavior
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
Origin: South America
Planting possible?: Yes
with snails/shells?: Yes
with dwarf crabs?: Yes
with shrimps?: with dwarf shrimps, offspring is eaten
Final size: 4-8 cm
Fish group: Tetra
with large crabs?: No
Pelvic region: Center
with crabs?: No

The star-spotted tetra gold, also known as the water tetra or Pristella maxillaris, is a beautiful and lively freshwater fish from the tetra family. Its natural habitat is in the Amazon, and it is distinguished by its shimmering silver body, which is even more intense in the gold color form of the star-spotted tetra.

These fish grow to a final size of nearly 4.5 inches in the aquarium and require ample swimming space. An aquarium with a capacity of at least 60 liters is recommended, and dark sand or fine gravel is suitable as substrate. It is also advisable to offer the fish isolated resting and retreat possibilities, such as caves, tubes, roots, rock or stone structures as well as dense edge planting.

Star-spotted tetras are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least eight or more individuals. Socialization with other equally sized and lively fish is also possible. The fish have no special requirements for the water values in the aquarium, but the water temperature should be between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius, the pH between 5.5 and 7 and the GH maximum 15.

The star-spotted tetra gold is an omnivore and likes to eat live food, frozen food or flake food. However, it is important to make sure that the other fish in the aquarium get enough to eat as well, as the star-spotted tetra is very voracious.

These fish have already been successfully bred in the aquarium. Simple tanks without a substrate with a capacity of between 10 and 30 liters are used for breeding. Fine feathery plants such as cabomba, mayaca and hornwort or coconut fiber can be used as spawning substrate. The parent fish should be removed immediately after spawning up to 300 eggs, as they are spawn predators. If this is not possible, spawning grids can be used. The larvae hatch after 20-28 hours and are fed with finest live food from day two on.

If you order star-spotted tetras gold, they are usually delivered with a size of 2-3 cm.

Our food recommendation: The NatureHolic main feed is a professional staple feed for all aquarium fish. We supply Hauptfeed in the form of soft granules, which, thanks to its grain size of half a millimeter, can be easily absorbed by small to medium-sized fish. The soft consistency resembles the texture of insect larvae in nature and protects the fish mouth from micro-injuries.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Wissenschaftlicher Name: Pristella maxillaris "gold"
Deutscher Name: Goldener Sternflecksalmler
Schwierigkeitsgrad: für Anfänger
Herkunft/Verbreitung: Amazonasbecken / Südamerika
Färbung: schimmernd goldfarben transparent
Alterserwartung: unbekannt
Wasserparameter: GH 5 bis 15, KH 3 bis 8, pH 5,5 bis 7, Temperatur 24 bis 28 °C
Beckengröße: ab 60 l
Futter: Allesfresser, braucht zusätzlich Frostfutter oder Lebendfutter
Zucht: mittelschwer, im separaten Aufzuchtbecken möglich
Verhalten: ziemlich gefräßig, aber ansonsten recht friedlich, kann kleinen Garnelennachwuchs fressen
Gruppengröße: Schwarm von mindestens 8 Fischen
Weiterführende Informationen: Tipps zur Eingewöhnung von Fischen ins Aquarium, Aquarienfische richtig füttern - Billigfutter und was es anrichten kann
  • 31594

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Star-spotted tetra gold - Pristella maxillaris

Star-spotted tetra gold - Pristella maxillaris

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