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Presentation of the company Dennerle


Presentation of the Dennerle company


  1. Philosophy - Aquarium in balance: an intact piece of nature

  2. How it all began - a journey through time

  3. Product variety in the freshwater sector

  4. Laboratory

  5. Advice - a Dennerle service

  6. Public relations

  7. Honors and awards


Philosophy - Aquarium in balance: an intact piece of nature

With over 50 years of experience in aquaristics, Dennerle can look back on a long company history and acts as a trendsetter that has enriched the hobby with a number of innovations. in 1966 Ludwig Dennerle founded the company in Pirmasens under the motto: Experience nature. The aquarium ecosystem is viewed holistically at Dennerle, because only the harmonious interaction of its individual elements is the key to successful aquaristics. This is why product development at Dennerle focuses precisely on these points, taking into account animals, plants, water, substrate and lighting, and impresses with a coordinated product range. This makes it possible to recreate the biological cycles under water as faithfully as possible, which allows the design of great underwater landscapes: from nano marine aquariums and freshwater landscapes to the home garden pond.

Above all, the focus is on aquatic plants as the most sensitive unit in the aquarium. After all, they are one of the most important indicators of the quality of the aquarium water and, not least, of the fish being kept. Dennerle believes that the universe of the aquatic world opens up to those who gain insight into the secrets of plants. Therefore, the company's portfolio offers thoughtful concepts for functioning small ecosystems, which are, moreover, sustainable solutions that allow a biological balance. With a pronounced awareness and striving for quality and perfection, Dennerle positions itself as a premium supplier at the forefront of the market. Above all, the innovations of the internal research department, the tireless drive for development, as well as the in-house aquatic plant breeding are to be thanked for the international competitive edge, which combines traditional principles with the most modern aquaristics.


How it all began - a journey through time

In 1966, Ludwig Dennerle opened his pet store in Pirmasens, which at that time was the prelude to a series of voyages of discovery in search of plants. At the same time, tropical plants were cultivated and explored in the greenhouse of the home garden. Just two years later, additional greenhouses were rented.
In the 1970s, Dennerle sets important milestones, dissolves the original business in Pirmasens, moves the company headquarters to the former school building in Vinningen and expands the expansion of greenhouses. The first edition of the guidebook "Plants for a Magnificent Underwater Landscape" is also published and the company enters into cooperative ventures with various plant farms in the tropics.

in 1990 Dennerle is able to present the first edition of the informative manual "System for a trouble-free aquarium" and starts exporting to France in the following years. Several further expansions of greenhouses follow, finally in 1998 even to an area of over 8000 m2. The purchase of a building in Münchweiler for the production and storage of accessories also significantly enlarges the company. The YADY fish food finds its way into the trade and the starting signal is given for the first garden pond products, the pond bacteria FB3 and B4. Dennerle also launches the T8 fluorescent tube segment for aquarium lighting.

But also in the following 2000s, the company never seems to stand still and even after the demise of the former company founder, the company continues to tinker and develop with zest for action, this time under the sole leadership of Heinz Dennerle; the first filter media such as the TurboFilterChips and Turbo Filter Pearls conquer the market and are launched a short time later as their own aquaristic filter material range - as well as the Trocal reflectors. Another building in Pirmasens is used for sales, export and IT. At Interzoo 2002, Dennerle wows the trade with its Mbuna underwater trees, which are protected by utility model law. Only two years later, A. C. Nielsen also states that Dennerle is the market leader in the field of pond care. T5 tube technology with a higher light intensity is developed and the greenhouses in Dennerle's tropical partner farms are expanded. In 2008, Dennerle is the first supplier to successfully present a complete range of products for nano aquaristics at Interzoo. The CO2 range is relaunched with the pressure reducers of the Evolution series relaunched.

in 2010 the first Plantahunter Stefan Hummel starts his first journey and the marine range "Nano Marinus" for small aquariums is introduced. In the following period, Dennerle adds a high-bay warehouse and installs a 450 KW photovoltaic system. The plant care products undergo a relaunch and the in-house publishing house is founded with the first edition of the Dennerle Aquarium Plant Guide. With the introduction of a compact Scaper's product line, Dennerle also addresses the trend topic of aquascaping. Dennerle's quality management system is certified in accordance with DIN ENISO 9001 and the "Scaper's Tank" is voted product of the year by one of the largest French specialist retail chains. With the innovative Dosator automatic fertilizer dispenser, the company is the first and only aquaristics company to receive the Innovation Award from Fressnapf/ Maxizoo. With the TROCAL LED, Dennerle makes the logical continuation of TROCAL lighting tradable; this convinces with high efficiency and enormous power density.

finally, in2016 Dennerle celebrates its 50th anniversary. In order to strengthen the focus and market positions of the individual companies for the respective market areas of aquatic plants and accessories, Dennerle GmbH was split into two companies in December 2017; Dennerle Aquariumpflanzen GmBH, based in Vinningen and led by Ingo Walther, who has an affinity for aquatic plants, and Dennerle GmbH in Münchweiler, led by Peter Koch.


Video: Largest aquatic plant nursery part 1


Product diversity in the freshwater sector

With its well-coordinated product range, Dennerle is not the market leader for nothing - the former ambition of an aquarium in balance has been taken into account thanks to several innovations for home use. Thus, the fascinating adventure of colorful animals in the midst of a lush green jungle of a self-created underwater world is possible for everyone.

Above all, the company is accommodating the changing trend between Dutch, natural or Japanese-inspired aquariums, whose concept is based on as little technology as possible, but all the more plant stocking. Especially the so-called aquascaping, in which more "hardscape" such as roots (, bonsai trees or mini-landscapes made of stones are installed, is accommodated by Dennerle with the help of its different Water care products  and fertilizer series, making a well-functioning aquarium almost child's play. All the more Mosses and Ferns which were practically impossible to find in conventional "Holland aquariums", could quench the thirst for creatively creating an artistic overwater landscape under water. Thanks to various beautifully designed Nano Cubes such as the STYLE LED Complete +  or the STYLE LED Basic , no wish remains unfulfilled.

Several innovations, including the Scaper's Tank, were able to satisfy this new and still continuing trend - because Dennerle, despite its drive, never forgot to listen and always developed solutions in an optimized way.

This also applies to the plant world and therefore the repertoire includes several aquatic plants that are particularly suitable for aquascaping. One example is the Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba "  , which is particularly suitable as greenery for mountain ranges, but also the small dwarf water carnation, the Cryptocoryne parva , looks very harmonious in an artfully arranged aquarium as border planting of decorations and hardscape. With functional bottom grounds, especially Shrimp pebbles in different colorations for nano aquariums, but also calcareous Natural pebbles  for perch aquariums, Dennerle skilfully bridges the gap between the smallest and the largest aquariums, meeting every requirement in a natural way.

With planted and prefabricated decorative elements, even set-up is simplified, as for example with a dwarf spear leaf on a Root which can be placed directly into the aquarium. The specially developed CO2 fertilizers round off the functioning aquarium, but also by means of special liquid fertilizers such as the Carbo Booster Max or the Carbo Elixier Bio the enterprise is possible even without plant. Different bottom fertilizer capsules and balls like the Deponit NutriBalls or also the PlantaGold provide fresh nutrients for even the most demanding aquarium plants. Sterile in vitro plants prevent the introduction of parasites. With the Nano Aquascaping Set can be used to keep the scape wonderfully in shape and to maintain it.

Dennerle also caters to the needs of the animals kept in the nano aquarium, for example with its Crusta Stixx - the stinging nettle sticks are particularly popular with dwarf shrimps and are eagerly nibbled Crusta Mineral the Crusta Stixx also helps the dwarfs to develop a stable shell and bright colors and is also suitable for other invertebrates such as snails and dwarf crayfish. With the series "ShrimpKing" series provides the nano aquarist with a wide range of functional and species-appropriate foods that enable more targeted feeding: for example, the Color helps to achieve distinct colors, the Biotase Active acts as a growth enhancer, other varieties are tailored to special needs such as Baby shrimp or also Fan shrimp tailor-made. In addition to the but also includes a range specially adapted to the needs of mini fish; the NanoGran.


Video: Largest aquatic plant nursery part 2



Innovative endeavors require research - Dennerle has known this from the very beginning. And so the company's own research department is the heart of the company, in which again, with heart and soul and many years of aquarium practice, tinkering is done. The latest scientific findings are closely examined here, because Dennerle doesn't just look twice, it looks for itself - especially when others have already given up. And success proves that this commitment is worth it: for more than 5 decades, Dennerle has stood for countless solutions that demystified aquaristics in the long term and made it more manageable.

Dennerle is constantly developing and reinventing itself in new ways and skilfully daring to think outside the box. And it does so with the support of microbiologists, chemists and botanists who get to the core of the cause, rather than merely combating the symptoms, and positively influence biological processes and interrelationships right from the start.


Video: Largest aquatic plant nursery part 3


Advice - a Dennerle service

Dennerle offers its customers more than just service. The company provides a wealth of information free of charge on its platforms, making the care of freshwater and saltwater aquariums and the beloved garden pond virtually child's play. Facilities are explained step by step, calculation programs make it possible to determine the correct requirement for substrate, and there is no lack of background knowledge on water chemistry. The travel reports of the Plantahunter as well as articles further events round the whole prima off. Dennerle's own YouTube channel also demonstrates in an informative and descriptive manner, sometimes also through the entertainingly casual tone of voice, that Dennerle is not only staffed by foxes who know their way around the forest, but by real people who put their heart and soul into their work every day.


Public relations

For decades, Dennerle has shown great commitment to nature and life in it, and has contributed to a better understanding of it step by step.

For example, it supports the FLH, the Fördergemeinschaft Leben mit Heimtieren e. V. (Association for the Promotion of Life with Pets). an industry-leading association of a wide variety of companies from the aquarium and terrarium hobby, which has made it its goal to bring these modern and exciting hobbies more into the limelight.

Dennerle is also a member of the ZZF, the Central Association of Specialist Zoological Companies, which provides advice and information to the pet trade on all technical and professional matters. In addition, the ZZF is committed to the responsible and species-appropriate handling of pets and provides information accordingly.

In memory of the founding father Ludwig Dennerle, the company took over the species name sponsorship of the cardinal shrimp- the Caridinadennerli. This was first described by the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität Berlin and supported by Dennerle true to the motto "Experience nature".

The mare-mundi project is also supported by Dennerle. The company has taken over the sponsorship of the yellow crust anemone that lives there and whose smaller siblings thrive excellently in the small Nano Marinus Cubes. This is intended to return part of the success to the source.

The online portal, originally launched by the ZZF, is also receiving backing from Dennerle. The information portal provides a comprehensive basis for getting started in the wet hobby and also offers the opportunity to participate in a unique breeding program for ornamental fish. School classes in particular can obtain extensive teaching material here.

Honors and awards

Dennerle's dedication and expertise are the hallmarks of the company, also internationally. And so it is not surprising that the company can proudly look back on a number of honors and awards for its innovative spirit and strong commitment to promoting aquaristics.

Since 2009, for example, Dennerle has won the "Animal Challenge" competition in Paris as the best supplier in the pet industry for the fifth time , climbing the winner ' s podium in the aquarium plant category each time .

in 2011, the company receives the "Top Seller Silver Award 2011" from the ZZF for the Nano Cube Marinus Complete Plus. in 2013, the "Scaper's Tank" is voted Product of the Year by a French wholesale chain. Just one year later, the Dosator from Fressnapf/ MegaZoo is the first and only aquaristic product to receive the "Innovation Award".

At the aqua EXPO tage 2016, Dennerle is awarded the "Brand Star 2016", which honors companies that stand out particularly with new product innovations and aquaristic promotion. In the same year, it clears the "Coup de couer" in silver at the "Animal Challenge" in Paris for fish food.

Garnelio at Dennerle - a comprehensive store assortment

Demand-oriented solutions and coherent overall concepts have also convinced us - we were live on site and got a picture of it. Of course we would like to share this with you on our YouTube channel so that you too can enjoy this unique, but certainly not everyday, company.

Of course you can find all products in our store, because we also want to bring the idea of "experiencing nature" closer to your heart. With the right tools and the right background knowledge, aquaristics is not a closed book as often feared, quite the opposite. Experience the fascination of fabulous underwater worlds in your own living room today. With strong partners such as Garnelio and Dennerle at your side, you too can create an ecological living space in balance, which will serve you as a pole of relaxation and give you pleasure every day!

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