Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis
Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis
Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis
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Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis

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Product information
Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis
Der Zierliche Kopfsteher ist dank seiner außergewöhnlichen Schwimmhaltung mit dem Kopf nach unten ein echter Hingucker im Aquarium. Toll schaut eine Gruppe von Kopfstehern aus, die sich gemeinsam relativ senkrecht stehend und nach unten blickend durchs Aquarium schiebt. Nur wenn es schnell gehen muss, weil die Kopfsteher vor etwas flüchten wollen, schwimmen sie "normal" waagerecht. Der Grund für die ungewöhnliche Schwimmhaltung ist noch nicht erforscht, es bleibt also spannend! - Garnelio
Water values: soft to hard
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
with crabs?: No
Visual effect: Interesting behavior
Behavior: Active
with shrimps?: with shrimps from 4-6 cm size
Planting possible?: conditional* (see description)
Breeding: medium
Difficulty: 2 - Normal
with snails/shells?: Yes
Origin: South America
with dwarf crabs?: Yes
Fish group: Tetra
Feature: dynamic group behavior
with large crabs?: No
with fish?: conditional* (see description)
Final size: 8-12 cm
Pelvic region: Center
Aquarium size: 200 l (approx. 100cm)
Temperature: 22-30 °C

The Petite Headstander, also known as Chilodus gracilis, is a small freshwater fish native to South America. It is especially common in the Amazon basin.

This tetra owes its name to its striking swimming style. Its head is always tilted downward, which gives it a distinctive appearance.

The Dainty Head Tetra can reach a maximum size of 10 cm in an aquarium. For a species-appropriate keeping it is recommended to keep it in a shoal in a tank with a filling volume of at least 160 liters.

This fish is very peaceful and can therefore be kept well in a species or community tank with other peaceful fish species.

As far as water parameters are concerned, the Petite Headstander does not have any special requirements. It prefers a water temperature between 22 and 30 degrees Celsius and a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. The water hardness can be soft to hard.

The Petite Headstander is an omnivore and can be fed a variety of foods. In particular, frozen or dry foods are readily accepted.

Breeding of Chilodus gracilis is possible in the aquarium, because they belong to the free spawners. This means that they simply release their eggs and sperm into the water and the juveniles subsequently develop on their own.

All in all, the Ornamental Headstander is an interesting and unusual fish species, which is an enrichment for every aquarium due to its special characteristics and peaceful behavior.

Our food recommendation: The NatureHolic Main Feed is a professional staple food for all aquarium fish. We supply Hauptfeed in the form of soft granules, which, thanks to its grain size of half a millimeter, can be easily ingested by small to medium-sized fish. The soft consistency resembles the texture of insect larvae in nature and protects the fish mouth from micro-injuries.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Wissenschaftlicher Name: Chilodus gracilis
Deutscher Name: Zierlicher Kopfsteher, Kleiner Kopfsteher
Schwierigkeitsgrad: für Anfänger
Herkunft/Verbreitung: Amazonasbecken / Südamerika
Färbung: silbrig olivgrün, mit dunklerem Längsstreifen, auffällige Körperhaltung mit Kopf nach schräg unten
Alterserwartung: unbekannt
Wasserparameter: GH 5 bis 20, KH 3 bis 15, pH 6 bis 7,5, Temperatur 22 bis 30 °C
Beckengröße: ab 160 l
Futter: Allesfresser, braucht zusätzlich Frostfutter oder Lebendfutter, weiches Gemüse kann Pflanzenfressen verringern
Zucht: mittelschwer
Verhalten: relativ zänkisch und territorial, kann Garnelennachwuchs fressen
Gruppengröße: Schwarm von mindestens 5 bis 10 Fischen
Weiterführende Informationen: Tipps zur Eingewöhnung von Fischen ins Aquarium, Aquarienfische richtig füttern - Billigfutter und was es anrichten kann
  • 31595

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Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis

Petite headstander - Chilodus gracilis

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