Eight banded barb - Eirmotus octozona
Eight banded barb - Eirmotus octozona
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Eight banded barb - Eirmotus octozona

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Product information
Eight banded barb - Eirmotus octozona
Die Achtbinden Trugbarbe wird unserer Meinung nach in der Aquaristik zu Unrecht ein wenig vernachlässigt - dieser hübsche, interessant gezeichnete kleine Barbenfisch ist ein toller Aquarienkumpel und macht im Schwarm richtig was her. Die Achtbinden Trugbarbe lässt sich mit etwas Ehrgeiz, gutem Futter und einem separaten Zuchtbecken sogar nachzüchten! - Garnelio
Water values: soft to medium hard
Visual effect: Swarm behavior
Temperature: 22-25 °C
Behavior: Active
Feature: Interesting coloring
with fish?: Yes, with peaceful fish
Fish group: Barbs
Aquarium size: 54 l (approx. 60cm)
Breeding: medium
Difficulty: 2 - Normal
Origin: Asia
with shrimps?: with dwarf shrimp, offspring may be eaten
Diet: omnivorous - omnivorous
Planting possible?: Yes
with snails/shells?: Yes
Final size: 4-8 cm
with large crabs?: No
with dwarf crabs?: No
Pelvic region: Center
with crabs?: No

The eight-banded pitcher barb, also known by its scientific name Eirmotus octozona, is a small fish belonging to the carp fish and barb family, originally from Asia. It prefers shady, wooded, slow-moving waters with vegetation, but also swamps, flooded land sections or small lakes. Male specimens have reddish fins and can grow up to 4 inches in size.

Although the Eight-banded Tribe Barb is not very well known, it is a beautiful and easy to care for specimen, which should be given more attention. It makes few demands on technique, food and water quality and is therefore a beginner fish. The aquarium should have an edge length of at least 60 cm and be provided with sufficient planting. Eight-banded Trugbarbs are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of up to 5.

The water quality should have a temperature of 22-26 degrees Celsius, a pH between 6-8 and a GH between 5-20 °dGH. Eight-banded Trugbarbs are omnivorous and feed on animal and plant foods, such as flake food, granules, frozen food and live food. Breeding in the aquarium is possible, but turns out to be complex.

All in all the Eight Banded Trugbarb is an interesting fish, which is also suitable for beginners due to its easy care. Good tank planting and species-appropriate husbandry are important to ensure the well-being of the fish.


Our food recommendation: The NatureHolic Main Feed is a professional staple food for all aquarium fish. We supply Hauptfeed in the form of a soft granulate, which thanks to its grain size of half a millimeter can be easily ingested by small to medium-sized fish. The soft consistency resembles the texture of insect larvae in nature and protects the fish mouth from micro-injuries.

Our plant recommendation: Use for planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend when keeping fish the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Wissenschaftlicher Name:Eirmotus octozona
Deutscher Name:Achtbinden Trugbarbe
Schwierigkeitsgrad:für Anfänger
Färbung:grausilberne Grundfarbe mit acht senkrechten Streifen auf dem Körper, die Männchen teils mit rötlichen Flossen
Alterserwartung: bis 5 Jahre
Wasserparameter:GH 2-12, KH 0-8, pH 5,5-7,5, Temperatur 22-26 ° C
Beckengröße:ab 54 l
Futter: Allesfresser mit Schwerpunkt auf fleischlicher Kost, Trockenfutter, Lebend- und Frostfutter
Zucht: möglich, separates Zuchtbecken empfohlen
Verhalten: sehr friedlich
Gruppengröße: mindestens 5 Tiere
Weiterführende Informationen:
  • 31954

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2  beantwortete Fragen

Eight banded barb - Eirmotus octozona

Eight banded barb - Eirmotus octozona

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Question: "Guten Tag - Sie empfehlen ausdrücklich, dass der Fisch nur in 5er Gruppen gehalten werden kann?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo A, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Wir empfehlen mindestens 5 Tiere, bis zu 10 sind auch noch wunderbar. 

Question: "Hallo, Kann eine Gruppe Achtbinden Trugbarben auch mit einem Kampffisch gehalten werden?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Jacqueline, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Wenn du weißt, dass der Kampffisch ein ruhige Gemüt hat und die Tiere in Ruhe lässt, ja. 

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