2 x Butterfly Cichlid " electric blue" - Microgeophagus ramirezi - pair
2 x Butterfly Cichlid " electric blue" - Microgeophagus ramirezi - pair
2 x Butterfly Cichlid " electric blue" - Microgeophagus ramirezi - pair
  • beautiful breeding form
  • optimal in the South American tank
  • does not go to plants
  • swimming turquoise

2 x Butterfly Cichlid " electric blue" - Microgeophagus ramirezi - pair

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2 x Butterfly Cichlid " electric blue" - Microgeophagus ramirezi - pair
Now also in blue! The beautiful electric blue has only been in the hobby for a few years. This farm form of the South American butterfly cichlid Microgeophagus ramirezi is spectacular and looks especially great in a tank with dense perimeter planting against a green background. The popular aquarium fish is quite robust and adaptable, but should be given humic substances to keep it healthy for a long time. - Garnelio
Water values: soft to hard
Visual effect: Especially colorful
Temperature: 25-30 °C
Feature: interesting brood care
with fish?: Yes, with peaceful fish
Fish group: Cichlids
Diet: carnivore - meat eater
Aquarium size: 54 l (approx. 60cm)
Breeding: medium
Planting possible?: Yes
Origin: South America
with snails/shells?: Yes
Final size: 4-8 cm
Difficulty: 1 - Simple
Behavior: Normal
with large crabs?: No
with dwarf crabs?: No
with shrimps?: Socialization not possible
Pelvic region: Center
with crabs?: No

Here you buy a pair of the blue color form of the already for so long in aquaristics widespread and extremely popular South American butterfly cichlid. With the beautifully formed large fins Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue" is a great eye-catcher in the South America aquarium. These handsome and rather high-backed cichlids chew through the bottom for food, which earned them their Latin name that translates to "earth eater".

The "Electric Blue" has fiery red eyes and faint black markings. Otherwise, the body is a shimmering turquoise blue to light blue. The dorsal fin is adorned with a red fringe. Females are as intensely colored as males, but they remained smaller and are slightly less tall. Male blue South American butterfly cichlids grow to a body length of 7 cm, while females grow only to about 5 cm.

In South America, the Butterfly Cichlid lives in waters densely covered with aquatic plants, soft and acidic black water with sandy, relatively fine substrate. In the aquarium you should provide your Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue" also a sandy corner or immediately a total sandy substrate or fine gravel as substrate to chew through. The aquarium can be densely planted in the background and on the sides, so that the fish can hide, and with free swimming space in the center of the aquarium. To keep the more delicate "electric blue" healthy, be sure to add humic substances to the aquarium water, such as NatureHolic's Liquid Humic. Aquatic plants with large leaves and floating plants shade the aquarium somewhat, which the butterfly cichlids like.

Blue South American Butterfly Cichlids tolerate water values from soft to hard, but breeding is only possible in soft, slightly acidic water. A pH of 6-8 is suitable. What the animals absolutely need are humic substances, which should be specifically introduced into the aquarium, because they are missing in tap water. South American butterfly cichlids live in black water in nature and need humic acids for good health. Ideally, the water temperature should be 22 to 30 °C. Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue" is very dependent on clean, preferably uncontaminated water, so a good filter should be operated at the aquarium and water should be changed regularly. A pair of South American Butterfly Cichlids "Electric Blue" will fit in a standard aquarium of 60 cm edge length. Harmonizing ramirezi pairs are relatively peaceful in their interactions.

We cannot recommend socialization with shrimp and dwarf crayfish, because small crustaceans are part of the cichlids' food spectrum. However, with small aquarium fish and growth-eating catfishes the keeping works very well. Ideal fit Microgeophagus ramirezi in a South America aquarium. Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue" tends to stay in the middle water layers of the aquarium. Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue" live about 2-3 years in the aquarium.

Blue South American Butterfly Cichlids can also be bred very well in soft water with humic substances . The water temperature should ideally be raised to between 27 and 29 °C. The fish should be well supplied with live food beforehand. The fish are fed well with live food and high quality frozen food to keep them in good condition. Only one pair is kept in the breeding aquarium. The females lay their eggs in a shallow sand pit or on flat stones: Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue" are open breeders. The parent fish take care of the brood care together. Stress should be avoided at all costs so that the cichlids do not simply eat their clutch.

If you want to grow several breeding pairs, it is a good idea to divide a long aquarium with glass panes so that the breeding pairs can see each other. This enhances their breeding behavior and supports productivity. The fry swim in the shoal after a few days. Then the parents are caught out and the baby fish are fed with Artemia euplii, cyclops, Microworms and similar small live food.

Adult Blue South American Butterfly Cichlids chew through the sand to find their food. They love worms like tubifex or shiner worms, but also other Live food and high quality Frozen food are also suitable for these carnivores. The NatureHolic Cichfeed was developed especially for their needs and can also be fed very well.

Our food recommendation: NatureHolic Cichfeed is a great staple food for all carnivorous cichlids in the aquarium, which perfectly meets their requirements for food composition. The tasty pearls are also very well eaten by larger cichlids. Thanks to their soft texture, NatureHolic Cichfeed food pearls are gentle on the mouth and can be eaten very well by the fish.

Our plant recommendation: Use for the planting NatureHolic InVitros. These are free of snails, planarians and other unwanted co-inhabitants. Also free of algae spores, bacteria and fungi.

Expert Tip: We recommend for fish keeping the NatureHolic 3 Phase Liquid. The care set offers the best all-round protection for your animals. It ensures optimal conditions for successful breeding and keeping.

Scientific name Microgeophagus ramirezi "electric blue"
German Name: Blue South American butterfly cichlid
Difficulty level: for beginners
Origin/Distribution: South America, breeding form
Coloration: Iris red, faint black markings, body shimmering turquoise blue to light blue. Dorsal fin with red fringe. Females are as intensely colored as males
Age expectancy approx. 2-3 years
Water parameters: GH 2 to 20, KH 0 to 12, pH 6.5 to 7, temperature 22 to 30 °C
Tank size: from 60 cm for one pair
Food Carnivorous, needs animal food: frozen and live food, and special food for carnivorous cichlids
Breeding medium
Behavior very peaceful when pairs are in harmony
Group size yes depending on aquarium size one pair or several pairs, with good structure
Further information Ten typical aquarium fish for beginners and alternatives to them, Tips for acclimating fish to the aquarium, Feeding aquarium fish properly - cheap food and what it can do
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8 May 2019

die Sendung der Fische gi...

die Sendung der Fische ging sehr schnell. Sehr gut verpackt, alles wunderbar. Ich kann diese online shop nur empfehlen. sehr gut.

8 Apr 2019

Sehr schnelle Lieferung u...

Sehr schnelle Lieferung und die Tiere waren in einem super Zustand.

22 Mar 2019

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2 x Butterfly Cichlid

2 x Butterfly Cichlid " electric blue" - Microgeophagus ramirezi - pair

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Question: "* Hallo, ich würde gerne ein Paar Fische bestellen, weiß aber nicht, wie viele Größen Sie anbieten und wie lange es dauern wird, bis ich einen Wurf bekomme. Und welcher Huminstoff ist für sie am besten? Vielen Dank"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Duc Tai,

wir liefern Jungtiere damit du auch lange Freude an deinen neuen Mitbewohnern hast. Wie lange es dauert bis die Tiere sich vermehren hängt in erster Linie von den Bedingungen bei dir im Becken ab. Schmetterlingsbuntbarsche sind aber in der Regel mit 9 Monaten geschlechtsreif.

Was die Huminstoffe anbelangt würden wir dir unser NatureHolic Humin Liquid sowie Seemandelbaumblätter empfehlen.

Question: "Moin! Könnte man 2 Pärchen bei guter Struktur in eine110L Aquarium auf Dauer gut halten oder wäre das zu klein? "

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)


nein das wird zu knapp. Da bekommen die Männchen Stress

Question: "Hallo hab bei dir 2 parr Schmetterlingsbuntbarscham dienstag erhalten hab aber eine Männchen das etwas dünner ist and häufig im Oberfläche nahe ist. Er ist zum Zeitpunkt im Quarantäne becken allein und hat geht nicht active auf futter suche. Wollte mal wissen was genau sie die bei ihr haltung geben?"

from Kevin (Garnelio)
from Kevin (Garnelio)

Hallo Zachary, vielen Dank für deine Frage! Hält man viele Tiere zusammen gibt es immer ein paar Tierchen die nicht ganz so aggressiv ans Futter gehen und ein wenig schlank werden. Artemia kann aber kaum ein Fisch widerstehen und werden deinen kleinen Schmetterling ruck zuck aufpeppeln. Auch weiße und rote Mückenlarven eignen sich Klasse.

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8 May 2019

die Sendung der Fische gi...

die Sendung der Fische ging sehr schnell. Sehr gut verpackt, alles wunderbar. Ich kann diese online shop nur empfehlen. sehr gut.

8 Apr 2019

Sehr schnelle Lieferung u...

Sehr schnelle Lieferung und die Tiere waren in einem super Zustand.

22 Mar 2019

Alles OK !!!...

Alles OK !!!

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